Organic farming




The data source is administrative, it is the Register of Organic Producers of the Ministry of Agriculture. The Croatian Bureau of Statistics collects and processes data sent by the control bodies.


Agricultural holdings that are in line with organic farming principles and included in the system of control and certification defined in the Ordinance on the Control System of Organic Production (NN, No. 110/2022).


Full coverage of all entities recorded in the Register of Organic Producers at the Ministry of Agriculture.


Organic agricultural holdings are agricultural holdings with the label organic as defined in the Regulation (EU) No 2018/848 of the European Parliament and the Council of 30 May 2018 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and the Ordinance on the Control System of Organic Production (NN, No. 110/2022).

Agricultural holdings in conversion are agricultural holdings during the defined period before the acquirement of the label organic.

Utilised agricultural area includes arable land, kitchen gardens, meadows, pastures, nurseries, orchards, olive groves, vineyards and areas under other permanent crops.

Arable land is a regularly farmed and cultivated area, which is under crop rotation for at least last five years and planted or sown with arable crops, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants.

Meadows and pastures are areas used for grazing, making hay and silage.

Orchards in organic farming include both intensive and extensive orchards.

Intensive orchards are bigger, dense orchards of fruit trees (of 0.1 hectare or more) and mainly used for market. Plantations are organised so that modern agricultural technology and mechanised cultivation can be used.

Extensive orchards are mostly grassland orchards predominantly of old sorts of fruit trees.

Vineyards are areas where the vines are growing in dense plantations. Vines in the kitchen gardens are not included in vineyards.

Olive groves are areas where olives are growing with the distance of at most 20 metres with at most 10-metre band of auxiliary land.

Nurseries are land areas used for growing woody plants intended for later replanting and include:

- grape vines and offspring nurseries

- fruit tree and berry nurseries

- forest tree nurseries for commercial purposes (excluding those for holdings’ own needs grown within woodland)

- ornamental plant nurseries – includes tree seedlings and bushes for gardens, parks, pathways and embankments (e.g., hedges, roses and other ornament bushes, ornament conifers).

Organic crop products encompass data on utilised agricultural area with organic status, regardless of further use or sale. Cultivated mushrooms in organic production are included.

Organic products of animal origin include meat, milk, honey and eggs for human consumption. Meat includes only weight (dressed carcasses) of animals slaughtered in organic slaughterhouses. Production of milk includes all milk produced on agricultural holdings with organic livestock, regardless of further use or sale.

Organic aquaculture is the breeding or cultivation of aquatic organisms by using techniques designed to increase the production capacity of organisms across national environment.



Code   New Cronos Code

EC       European Community

ha        hectare

m         metre

n. e. c. not elsewhere classified

NN       Narodne novine, official gazette of the Republic Croatia

t           tonne

z          data is not published for confidentiality reasons





-    no occurrence