Public Sewage System



Legal and methodological framework

The data on the public sewage system are collected by using the annual statistical survey entitled the Annual Survey on Public Sewage System (VOD-2K form) on the basis of the Official Statistics Act (NN, No. 25/20). 



Reporting units are public suppliers of public sewage system services. According to the Water Act (NN, No. 66/19), the public supplier of sewage system services is a company in which all shares or equity shares are held by local self-government units or companies in which all shares or equity shares are held directly by local self-government units, that is, an institution founded by a local self-government unit.


The report is filled in by legal entities and parts thereof that are registered, according to the NKD 2007. (NN, Nos 58/07 and 72/07), in section E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, class 37.00 Sewerage.


The source for the address list is the Statistical Business Register.


The survey provides basic data on waste waters, their treatment and discharge as well as on the public sewerage network and waste water treatment plants.



Public sewerage means the activity of collection of waste waters, their transport to a waste water treatment plant, treatment and direct or indirect discharge into surface waters, treatment of sludge generated in the process of waste water treatment, if the above is conducted through public sewerage facilities, and management of these facilities; public sewerage also includes pumping and transport of wastewater from sump pits.


Waste waters are all potentially polluted industrial, sanitary, rainwater and other waters.


Treated waste waters comprise all amounts of waste waters treated by using either primary (mechanical), secondary (biological) or tertiary (combined) treatment method.


The primary treatment includes the application of physical and/or chemical processes by which at least 50% of suspended solids are removed from the waste water, while the BOD5 value decreases by as much as 20%, as compared to its value in the influent waters.


The secondary treatment includes the application of biological and/or other treatment processes by which the concentration of suspended solids and BOD5 decreases by 70% to 90% and the concentration of COD by at least 75%.


The third treatment includes the application of physical and chemical, biological and other treatment processes by which the concentration of nutritious matters in influent waste waters decreases by as much as 80%, which means that other pollutants, which could not be removed to that extent in the secondary treatment, are now removed as well.


Discharged waste waters consist of discharges of treated and untreated waters. The waters can be discharged into ground waters, water flows, reservoirs, lakes and the sea.


Public sewage network is a network of enclosed public drains and sewers used either for draining of both waste and atmospheric waters together (general water sewage system), or for separate draining of waste and atmospheric waters (separation water sewage system).


Total length of the public sewage network is the length of the sewerage network of enclosed public drains and pipes for wastewater and atmospheric waters from settlements, without connections and networks within buildings.


Waste water treatment plants are devices for the treatment of waste water. They are divided to devices for the primary, secondary and tertiary treatment.


Pumping plants are buildings with associated electromechanical equipment by which the water is drawn and raised (pushed) to the pressure level in the collection shaft.


Main sewer is a collecting drain that drains water from one part or the whole city to the recipient or to the treatment plant.


Sewage connection is a connection of a building with street drains or a conjunction of facilities through which household waste waters reach the sewage network.


Street drains are objects that are connected with sewage networks. They are situated on streets and serve for the collection of atmospheric waters from the surface of streets, squares etc.




biochemical oxygen demand


chemical oxygen demand




cubic metre

NKD 2007.

National Classification of Activities, 2007 version


Narodne novine, official gazette of the Republic of Croatia

