ISCED `97 level Sex Total1) Basic school, 1
- 3 grades
Basic school, 4
- 7 grades (ISCED
level 1)
Basic school (ISCED,
level 2)
Secondary schools Non-university colleges,
polytechnics and
professional study
at schools of higher
learning (ISCED,
level 5B)
Professional study
at faculties (ISCED,
level 5B)
University study
at faculties and
schools of higher
learning (ISCED,
level 5A)
Faculties of arts
and art academies
(ISCED, level 5A)
All Vocational schools
lasting 1-3 years
and for skilled
and high - skilled
workers (ISCED,
level 3C)
Vocational schools
lasting 4 years
or more (ISCED,
level 3A)
Grammar school (ISCED,
level 3A)
Vocational secondary
education during
the period of 1978-1992,
(ISCED, level 3A
and 3B)
Town Rijeka all 124.823 2.823 6.318 22.937 67.445 36.098 21.155 7.338 2.854 4.869 2.615 15.261 340 877
  m 58.691 729 1.704 8.816 35.063 23.371 8.191 2.369 1.132 2.728 1.357 7.475 144 431
  f 66.132 2.094 4.614 14.121 32.382 12.727 12.964 4.969 1.722 2.141 1.258 7.786 196 446
General programme all 40.920 2.823 6.318 22.937 7.504 166 - 7.338 - - - - - -
  m 13.898 729 1.704 8.816 2.405 36 - 2.369 - - - - - -
  f 27.022 2.094 4.614 14.121 5.099 130 - 4.969 - - - - - -
Education all 3.046 - - - 444 - 323 - 121 1.033 539 1.030 - -
  m 559 - - - 30 - 14 - 16 154 82 293 - -
  f 2.487 - - - 414 - 309 - 105 879 457 737 - -
Humanities and Arts all 1.939 - - - 281 15 258 - 8 29 115 1.174 340 -
  m 612 - - - 107 7 97 - 3 11 29 321 144 -
  f 1.327 - - - 174 8 161 - 5 18 86 853 196 -
Social sciences, business and law all 21.153 - - - 15.228 6.139 8.260 - 829 981 485 4.459 - -
  m 4.895 - - - 2.390 1.067 1.228 - 95 484 207 1.814 - -
  f 16.258 - - - 12.838 5.072 7.032 - 734 497 278 2.645 - -
Life sciences all 719 - - - 163 - 16 - 147 - 22 534 - -
  m 288 - - - 82 - 12 - 70 - 8 198 - -
  f 431 - - - 81 - 4 - 77 - 14 336 - -
Engineering, manufacturing and construction all 29.253 - - - 25.411 18.811 5.608 - 992 661 626 2.555 - -
  m 23.812 - - - 20.714 15.894 4.126 - 694 544 535 2.019 - -
  f 5.441 - - - 4.697 2.917 1.482 - 298 117 91 536 - -
Agriculture all 836 - - - 633 380 202 - 51 8 32 163 - -
  m 360 - - - 220 116 85 - 19 6 24 110 - -
  f 476 - - - 413 264 117 - 32 2 8 53 - -
Health and welfare all 5.948 - - - 3.307 164 2.906 - 237 492 188 1.961 - -
  m 1.183 - - - 394 11 346 - 37 47 23 719 - -
  f 4.765 - - - 2.913 153 2.560 - 200 445 165 1.242 - -
Services all 17.629 - - - 13.375 9.736 3.197 - 442 1.618 592 2.044 - -
  m 11.311 - - - 8.034 5.834 2.019 - 181 1.449 433 1.395 - -
  f 6.318 - - - 5.341 3.902 1.178 - 261 169 159 649 - -
Not known or unspecified all 3.380 - - - 1.099 687 385 - 27 47 16 1.341 - 877
  m 1.773 - - - 687 406 264 - 17 33 16 606 - 431
  f 1.607 - - - 412 281 121 - 10 14 - 735 - 446

1) The difference to "Total" refers to persons with no education at all.