ISCED `97 level Sex Total1) Basic school, 1
- 3 grades
Basic school, 4
- 7 grades (ISCED
level 1)
Basic school (ISCED,
level 2)
Secondary schools Non-university colleges,
polytechnics and
professional study
at schools of higher
learning (ISCED,
level 5B)
Professional study
at faculties (ISCED,
level 5B)
University study
at faculties and
schools of higher
learning (ISCED,
level 5A)
Faculties of arts
and art academies
(ISCED, level 5A)
All Vocational schools
lasting 1-3 years
and for skilled
and high - skilled
workers (ISCED,
level 3C)
Vocational schools
lasting 4 years
or more (ISCED,
level 3A)
Grammar school (ISCED,
level 3A)
Vocational secondary
education during
the period of 1978-1992,
(ISCED, level 3A
and 3B)
County of Virovitica-Podravina all 76.427 4.430 12.280 23.641 28.340 18.112 5.990 2.337 1.901 1.178 535 2.662 16 585
  m 36.247 1.372 4.673 10.079 16.757 12.390 2.682 889 796 637 309 1.487 9 291
  f 40.180 3.058 7.607 13.562 11.583 5.722 3.308 1.448 1.105 541 226 1.175 7 294
General programme all 45.465 4.430 12.280 23.641 2.354 17 - 2.337 - - - - - -
  m 17.651 1.372 4.673 10.079 894 5 - 889 - - - - - -
  f 27.814 3.058 7.607 13.562 1.460 12 - 1.448 - - - - - -
Education all 732 - - - 168 - 51 - 117 382 83 99 - -
  m 181 - - - 34 - 4 - 30 105 13 29 - -
  f 551 - - - 134 - 47 - 87 277 70 70 - -
Humanities and Arts all 292 - - - 35 3 23 - 9 8 37 196 16 -
  m 130 - - - 11 - 10 - 1 5 17 88 9 -
  f 162 - - - 24 3 13 - 8 3 20 108 7 -
Social sciences, business and law all 6.740 - - - 5.760 2.738 2.590 - 432 234 119 627 - -
  m 1.858 - - - 1.357 755 541 - 61 134 51 316 - -
  f 4.882 - - - 4.403 1.983 2.049 - 371 100 68 311 - -
Life sciences all 243 - - - 140 - 9 - 131 - 13 90 - -
  m 105 - - - 66 - 7 - 59 - 7 32 - -
  f 138 - - - 74 - 2 - 72 - 6 58 - -
Engineering, manufacturing and construction all 13.716 - - - 13.182 10.651 1.777 - 754 153 103 278 - -
  m 10.972 - - - 10.554 8.779 1.329 - 446 124 74 220 - -
  f 2.744 - - - 2.628 1.872 448 - 308 29 29 58 - -
Agriculture all 2.411 - - - 1.743 1.124 380 - 239 102 103 463 - -
  m 1.596 - - - 1.052 654 270 - 128 78 84 382 - -
  f 815 - - - 691 470 110 - 111 24 19 81 - -
Health and welfare all 1.156 - - - 770 37 623 - 110 106 14 266 - -
  m 238 - - - 95 8 77 - 10 18 4 121 - -
  f 918 - - - 675 29 546 - 100 88 10 145 - -
Services all 4.107 - - - 3.757 3.247 414 - 96 179 62 109 - -
  m 2.703 - - - 2.392 1.977 361 - 54 164 58 89 - -
  f 1.404 - - - 1.365 1.270 53 - 42 15 4 20 - -
Not known or unspecified all 1.565 - - - 431 295 123 - 13 14 1 534 - 585
  m 813 - - - 302 212 83 - 7 9 1 210 - 291
  f 752 - - - 129 83 40 - 6 5 - 324 - 294

1) The difference to "Total" refers to persons with no education at all.