ISCED `97 level Sex Total1) Basic school, 1
- 3 grades
Basic school, 4
- 7 grades (ISCED
level 1)
Basic school (ISCED,
level 2)
Secondary schools Non-university colleges,
polytechnics and
professional study
at schools of higher
learning (ISCED,
level 5B)
Professional study
at faculties (ISCED,
level 5B)
University study
at faculties and
schools of higher
learning (ISCED,
level 5A)
Faculties of arts
and art academies
(ISCED, level 5A)
All Vocational schools
lasting 1-3 years
and for skilled
and high - skilled
workers (ISCED,
level 3C)
Vocational schools
lasting 4 years
or more (ISCED,
level 3A)
Grammar school (ISCED,
level 3A)
Vocational secondary
education during
the period of 1978-1992,
(ISCED, level 3A
and 3B)
County of Slavonski Brod-Posavina all 142.037 6.881 21.030 36.163 61.203 38.999 12.833 5.106 4.265 2.456 1.363 5.916 71 902
  m 68.009 2.222 7.714 15.878 35.472 26.742 5.343 1.774 1.613 1.188 797 3.217 26 430
  f 74.028 4.659 13.316 20.285 25.731 12.257 7.490 3.332 2.652 1.268 566 2.699 45 472
General programme all 75.272 6.881 21.030 36.163 5.146 40 - 5.106 - - - - - -
  m 28.664 2.222 7.714 15.878 1.785 11 - 1.774 - - - - - -
  f 46.608 4.659 13.316 20.285 3.361 29 - 3.332 - - - - - -
Education all 1.625 - - - 333 - 150 - 183 800 236 256 - -
  m 355 - - - 47 - 24 - 23 199 47 62 - -
  f 1.270 - - - 286 - 126 - 160 601 189 194 - -
Humanities and Arts all 728 - - - 75 4 52 - 19 16 59 507 71 -
  m 275 - - - 25 - 22 - 3 7 18 199 26 -
  f 453 - - - 50 4 30 - 16 9 41 308 45 -
Social sciences, business and law all 13.706 - - - 11.156 5.472 4.382 - 1.302 734 318 1.498 - -
  m 3.624 - - - 2.393 1.413 800 - 180 362 151 718 - -
  f 10.082 - - - 8.763 4.059 3.582 - 1.122 372 167 780 - -
Life sciences all 419 - - - 161 - 7 - 154 - 28 230 - -
  m 191 - - - 75 - 4 - 71 - 12 104 - -
  f 228 - - - 86 - 3 - 83 - 16 126 - -
Engineering, manufacturing and construction all 32.264 - - - 30.415 24.675 4.052 - 1.688 263 410 1.176 - -
  m 25.224 - - - 23.779 19.949 2.869 - 961 212 319 914 - -
  f 7.040 - - - 6.636 4.726 1.183 - 727 51 91 262 - -
Agriculture all 3.402 - - - 2.741 1.132 1.151 - 458 54 86 521 - -
  m 1.928 - - - 1.442 621 611 - 210 42 69 375 - -
  f 1.474 - - - 1.299 511 540 - 248 12 17 146 - -
Health and welfare all 3.057 - - - 2.238 51 1.954 - 233 208 29 582 - -
  m 554 - - - 266 5 221 - 40 40 5 243 - -
  f 2.503 - - - 1.972 46 1.733 - 193 168 24 339 - -
Services all 8.878 - - - 8.081 7.036 828 - 217 349 193 255 - -
  m 5.861 - - - 5.172 4.410 639 - 123 307 173 209 - -
  f 3.017 - - - 2.909 2.626 189 - 94 42 20 46 - -
Not known or unspecified all 2.686 - - - 857 589 257 - 11 32 4 891 - 902
  m 1.333 - - - 488 333 153 - 2 19 3 393 - 430
  f 1.353 - - - 369 256 104 - 9 13 1 498 - 472

1) The difference to "Total" refers to persons with no education at all.