ISCED `97 level Sex Total1) Basic school, 1
- 3 grades
Basic school, 4
- 7 grades (ISCED
level 1)
Basic school (ISCED,
level 2)
Secondary schools Non-university colleges,
polytechnics and
professional study
at schools of higher
learning (ISCED,
level 5B)
Professional study
at faculties (ISCED,
level 5B)
University study
at faculties and
schools of higher
learning (ISCED,
level 5A)
Faculties of arts
and art academies
(ISCED, level 5A)
All Vocational schools
lasting 1-3 years
and for skilled
and high - skilled
workers (ISCED,
level 3C)
Vocational schools
lasting 4 years
or more (ISCED,
level 3A)
Grammar school (ISCED,
level 3A)
Vocational secondary
education during
the period of 1978-1992,
(ISCED, level 3A
and 3B)
County of Osijek-Baranja all 271.787 11.733 35.554 69.328 119.444 69.477 30.039 11.326 8.602 4.326 3.539 16.760 291 1.699
  m 128.474 3.472 12.210 30.197 67.509 47.343 11.972 4.365 3.829 2.146 1.766 8.471 131 835
  f 143.313 8.261 23.344 39.131 51.935 22.134 18.067 6.961 4.773 2.180 1.773 8.289 160 864
General programme all 137.154 11.733 35.554 69.328 11.426 100 - 11.326 - - - - - -
  m 52.015 3.472 12.210 30.197 4.399 34 - 4.365 - - - - - -
  f 85.139 8.261 23.344 39.131 7.027 66 - 6.961 - - - - - -
Education all 4.030 - - - 803 - 339 - 464 1.281 885 1.061 - -
  m 804 - - - 168 - 56 - 112 286 99 251 - -
  f 3.226 - - - 635 - 283 - 352 995 786 810 - -
Humanities and Arts all 1.821 - - - 254 13 213 - 28 44 112 1.120 291 -
  m 709 - - - 116 13 91 - 12 21 46 395 131 -
  f 1.112 - - - 138 - 122 - 16 23 66 725 160 -
Social sciences, business and law all 34.604 - - - 27.001 11.065 13.462 - 2.474 1.015 1.170 5.418 - -
  m 10.353 - - - 6.557 3.367 2.772 - 418 529 564 2.703 - -
  f 24.251 - - - 20.444 7.698 10.690 - 2.056 486 606 2.715 - -
Life sciences all 1.451 - - - 656 - 23 - 633 - 49 746 - -
  m 568 - - - 300 - 17 - 283 - 18 250 - -
  f 883 - - - 356 - 6 - 350 - 31 496 - -
Engineering, manufacturing and construction all 56.132 - - - 52.553 40.773 8.602 - 3.178 640 677 2.262 - -
  m 42.781 - - - 40.109 32.431 5.652 - 2.026 508 547 1.617 - -
  f 13.351 - - - 12.444 8.342 2.950 - 1.152 132 130 645 - -
Agriculture all 8.535 - - - 5.997 3.326 1.711 - 960 180 286 2.072 - -
  m 5.957 - - - 4.095 2.280 1.201 - 614 150 215 1.497 - -
  f 2.578 - - - 1.902 1.046 510 - 346 30 71 575 - -
Health and welfare all 5.823 - - - 3.833 119 3.347 - 367 477 73 1.440 - -
  m 1.121 - - - 470 9 406 - 55 60 21 570 - -
  f 4.702 - - - 3.363 110 2.941 - 312 417 52 870 - -
Services all 16.540 - - - 15.143 12.965 1.767 - 411 629 268 500 - -
  m 11.321 - - - 10.099 8.433 1.398 - 268 561 237 424 - -
  f 5.219 - - - 5.044 4.532 369 - 143 68 31 76 - -
Not known or unspecified all 5.697 - - - 1.778 1.116 575 - 87 60 19 2.141 - 1.699
  m 2.845 - - - 1.196 776 379 - 41 31 19 764 - 835
  f 2.852 - - - 582 340 196 - 46 29 - 1.377 - 864

1) The difference to "Total" refers to persons with no education at all.