Total Number of household members
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and more
City of Zagreb 275.464 63.836 67.455 56.374 55.270 20.243 7.940 2.600 920 397 195 234
Private ownership or co-ownership 222.697 48.502 56.794 45.638 43.989 16.920 6.980 2.314 810 357 183 210
Tenant with free-based tenancy 11.742 3.495 2.580 2.501 2.187 694 185 59 21 10 6 4
Kinship with owner or tenant 23.375 6.150 4.418 5.077 5.695 1.495 389 96 42 8 1 4
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 9.630 2.517 2.208 1.859 1.986 670 247 80 32 17 3 11
Sub-tenancy 2.289 958 450 383 362 98 27 8 1 1 - 1
Other 5.731 2.214 1.005 916 1.051 366 112 43 14 4 2 4
District Brezovica 2.998 397 569 524 653 403 285 114 36 7 6 4
Private ownership or co-ownership 2.664 328 511 463 551 371 275 113 35 7 6 4
Tenant with free-based tenancy 25 7 6 6 4 2 - - - - - -
Kinship with owner or tenant 236 50 35 47 78 19 7 - - - - -
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 14 1 3 1 3 4 1 - 1 - - -
Sub-tenancy 11 2 3 2 2 1 - 1 - - - -
Other 48 9 11 5 15 6 2 - - - - -
District Črnomerec 14.057 3.459 3.653 2.779 2.637 969 410 95 32 12 5 6
Private ownership or co-ownership 11.464 2.678 3.121 2.261 2.072 826 371 86 27 12 5 5
Tenant with free-based tenancy 567 193 119 108 106 31 6 2 1 - - 1
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.182 300 225 264 309 61 18 3 2 - - -
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 504 149 125 94 90 32 9 4 1 - - -
Sub-tenancy 78 27 19 8 20 2 2 - - - - -
Other 262 112 44 44 40 17 4 - 1 - - -
District Donja Dubrava 11.126 1.769 2.419 2.252 2.588 1.199 502 216 91 34 27 29
Private ownership or co-ownership 8.650 1.340 2.027 1.678 1.848 969 447 182 77 31 25 26
Tenant with free-based tenancy 579 105 101 150 143 49 18 8 1 2 2 -
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.432 205 217 335 493 136 24 14 7 - - 1
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 125 18 20 25 33 13 4 6 4 - - 2
Sub-tenancy 106 37 16 21 22 7 2 1 - - - -
Other 234 64 38 43 49 25 7 5 2 1 - -
District Donji Grad 18.201 5.891 4.769 3.450 2.772 901 295 90 22 4 3 4
Private ownership or co-ownership 14.524 4.427 3.952 2.841 2.223 735 252 70 14 4 3 3
Tenant with free-based tenancy 615 244 125 114 86 30 9 3 3 - - 1
Kinship with owner or tenant 827 373 181 126 115 26 6 - - - - -
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 1.488 474 367 273 248 88 21 12 5 - - -
Sub-tenancy 151 101 26 12 11 1 - - - - - -
Other 596 272 118 84 89 21 7 5 - - - -
District Gornja Dubrava 19.937 3.762 4.521 3.987 4.417 1.901 823 300 112 59 20 35
Private ownership or co-ownership 15.495 2.867 3.757 3.004 3.202 1.492 711 264 95 54 18 31
Tenant with free-based tenancy 1.027 213 189 249 246 97 21 7 3 1 1 -
Kinship with owner or tenant 2.596 460 410 585 798 243 69 19 9 2 - 1
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 386 82 84 78 74 38 15 6 5 1 1 2
Sub-tenancy 155 67 35 19 28 4 2 - - - - -
Other 278 73 46 52 69 27 5 4 - 1 - 1
District Gornji Grad- Medvešćak 14.061 4.089 3.774 2.758 2.339 757 253 58 18 11 2 2
Private ownership or co-ownership 11.073 2.911 3.118 2.249 1.890 618 212 50 13 9 2 1
Tenant with free-based tenancy 455 195 105 70 68 11 5 1 - - - -
Kinship with owner or tenant 932 352 174 184 179 34 8 1 - - - -
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 1.118 389 285 193 148 69 23 5 3 2 - 1
Sub-tenancy 71 40 22 1 7 - 1 - - - - -
Other 412 202 70 61 47 25 4 1 2 - - -
District Maksimir 18.396 4.638 4.859 3.678 3.415 1.204 417 115 40 17 6 7
Private ownership or co-ownership 14.685 3.439 4.090 2.932 2.698 1.002 359 102 36 15 5 7
Tenant with free-based tenancy 715 259 145 140 115 43 10 1 1 - 1 -
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.698 451 318 387 413 97 21 8 2 1 - -
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 758 252 201 143 109 37 12 3 - 1 - -
Sub-tenancy 113 65 18 13 14 2 1 - - - - -
Other 427 172 87 63 66 23 14 1 1 - - -
District Novi Zagreb-istok 24.592 5.911 6.451 5.723 4.509 1.347 472 115 42 10 4 8
Private ownership or co-ownership 20.594 4.551 5.582 4.879 3.828 1.180 416 102 36 10 4 6
Tenant with free-based tenancy 1.135 404 301 215 159 42 11 1 1 - - 1
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.742 586 367 417 298 58 9 5 2 - - -
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 561 109 98 129 148 47 22 5 2 - - 1
Sub-tenancy 122 63 22 18 12 3 4 - - - - -
Other 438 198 81 65 64 17 10 2 1 - - -
District Novi Zagreb-zapad 16.930 3.635 4.159 3.392 3.499 1.377 542 191 82 32 11 10
Private ownership or co-ownership 13.860 2.826 3.558 2.748 2.780 1.167 483 174 73 31 11 9
Tenant with free-based tenancy 661 177 131 152 146 31 16 6 2 - - -
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.452 368 303 322 329 105 17 3 3 1 - 1
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 442 101 78 78 127 31 18 6 3 - - -
Sub-tenancy 190 57 30 39 48 13 2 1 - - - -
Other 325 106 59 53 69 30 6 1 1 - - -
District Pešćenica-Žitnjak 20.568 4.844 5.053 4.030 4.149 1.512 583 217 90 42 23 25
Private ownership or co-ownership 16.413 3.772 4.204 3.165 3.165 1.249 498 197 83 35 21 24
Tenant with free-based tenancy 1.013 219 228 233 229 70 24 6 1 1 2 -
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.659 446 318 358 401 95 32 4 4 1 - -
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 835 169 179 176 227 61 16 3 - 4 - -
Sub-tenancy 252 99 59 35 39 15 2 1 - 1 - 1
Other 396 139 65 63 88 22 11 6 2 - - -
District Podsljeme (Šestine-Gračani-Markuševec) 5.600 933 1.282 1.074 1.290 607 268 94 26 11 11 4
Private ownership or co-ownership 4.990 822 1.187 941 1.102 545 253 90 25 11 10 4
Tenant with free-based tenancy 64 17 10 19 15 2 1 - - - - -
Kinship with owner or tenant 402 59 60 92 131 45 13 2 - - - -
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 16 5 3 2 5 1 - - - - - -
Sub-tenancy 44 9 6 8 12 7 - 1 1 - - -
Other 84 21 16 12 25 7 1 1 - - 1 -
District Podsused-Vrapče 14.108 2.617 3.369 3.044 3.130 1.215 495 141 52 22 14 9
Private ownership or co-ownership 11.827 2.145 2.933 2.503 2.537 1.050 443 125 49 20 14 8
Tenant with free-based tenancy 474 106 100 116 103 34 8 6 1 - - -
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.405 270 250 349 410 95 26 2 2 - - 1
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 155 30 33 28 29 15 12 6 - 2 - -
Sub-tenancy 92 26 17 17 23 6 2 1 - - - -
Other 155 40 36 31 28 15 4 1 - - - -
District Sesvete 17.169 2.246 3.355 3.365 4.192 2.226 1.044 431 156 69 29 56
Private ownership or co-ownership 14.263 1.804 2.874 2.705 3.339 1.889 948 407 147 66 28 56
Tenant with free-based tenancy 546 55 112 128 143 81 20 3 3 1 - -
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.716 226 276 399 551 183 60 15 5 1 - -
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 159 43 21 33 46 9 5 2 - - - -
Sub-tenancy 149 35 28 34 28 21 3 - - - - -
Other 336 83 44 66 85 43 8 4 1 1 1 -
District Stenjevec 13.620 2.494 2.861 3.029 3.456 1.134 433 131 39 19 12 12
Private ownership or co-ownership 10.805 1.891 2.319 2.384 2.767 918 356 107 30 14 10 9
Tenant with free-based tenancy 683 148 165 173 140 39 11 6 1 - - -
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.121 249 217 253 287 76 25 8 4 1 1 -
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 499 38 62 110 167 72 32 6 4 4 1 3
Sub-tenancy 208 72 39 49 39 5 3 1 - - - -
Other 304 96 59 60 56 24 6 3 - - - -
District Trešnjevka-jug 24.938 5.896 6.245 5.498 5.215 1.451 470 109 25 17 5 7
Private ownership or co-ownership 20.475 4.464 5.196 4.613 4.393 1.247 427 85 24 15 5 6
Tenant with free-based tenancy 1.159 400 287 229 189 42 6 4 1 1 - -
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.904 664 434 372 324 86 16 7 - 1 - -
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 747 126 192 165 192 49 13 10 - - - -
Sub-tenancy 183 72 43 39 23 3 2 1 - - - -
Other 470 170 93 80 94 24 6 2 - - - 1
District Trešnjevka-sjever 21.644 6.415 5.521 4.230 3.779 1.138 379 111 33 20 12 6
Private ownership or co-ownership 16.553 4.586 4.418 3.297 2.891 903 300 98 29 14 12 5
Tenant with free-based tenancy 1.293 489 295 249 179 58 14 4 1 4 - -
Kinship with owner or tenant 2.016 668 407 390 412 106 29 3 1 - - -
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 1.061 329 293 180 183 43 27 3 1 1 - 1
Sub-tenancy 220 121 33 40 19 7 - - - - - -
Other 501 222 75 74 95 21 9 3 1 1 - -
District Trnje 17.519 4.840 4.595 3.561 3.230 902 269 72 24 11 5 10
Private ownership or co-ownership 14.362 3.651 3.947 2.975 2.703 759 229 62 17 9 4 6
Tenant with free-based tenancy 731 264 161 150 116 32 5 1 1 - - 1
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.055 423 226 197 167 30 9 2 1 - - -
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 762 202 164 151 157 61 17 3 3 2 1 1
Sub-tenancy 144 65 34 28 15 1 1 - - - - -
Other 465 235 63 60 72 19 8 4 2 - - 2

1) Refers to private households.