Total Family households by number of members  
Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and more Family nucleus Non-family households
Number of households Total members Total Couple without children Couple with children Mother with children Father with children Total One-member Multi-member
City of Zagreb 275.464 205.273 61.702 55.851 55.202 20.235 7.938 2.599 1.746 15.868 220.015 57.212 123.932 32.920 5.951 70.191 63.836 6.355
Private ownership or co-ownership 222.697 169.371 52.379 45.265 43.957 16.918 6.978 2.314 1.560 14.223 183.274 50.565 100.499 27.113 5.097 53.326 48.502 4.824
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 11.742 7.827 2.217 2.454 2.177 694 185 59 41 367 7.973 1.557 4.977 1.302 137 3.915 3.495 420
Kinship with owner or tenant 23.375 16.645 3.896 5.027 5.689 1.493 389 96 55 465 16.911 2.940 11.635 2.038 298 6.730 6.150 580
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 9.630 6.846 1.969 1.838 1.980 669 247 80 63 564 7.148 1.277 3.957 1.635 279 2.784 2.517 267
Sub-tenancy 2.289 1.249 380 373 360 98 27 8 3 28 1.265 246 766 230 23 1.040 958 82
Other 5.731 3.335 861 894 1.039 363 112 42 24 221 3.444 627 2.098 602 117 2.396 2.214 182
District Brezovica 2.998 2.567 544 516 653 403 284 114 53 459 3.101 964 1.823 252 62 431 397 34
Private ownership or co-ownership 2.664 2.305 489 455 551 371 274 113 52 451 2.830 914 1.633 226 57 359 328 31
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 25 18 6 6 4 2 - - - - 18 4 11 3 0 7 7 -
Kinship with owner or tenant 236 186 35 47 78 19 7 - - - 193 34 137 17 5 50 50 -
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 14 12 2 1 3 4 1 - 1 8 13 1 11 1 0 2 1 1
Sub-tenancy 11 8 2 2 2 1 - 1 - - 8 0 6 2 0 3 2 1
Other 48 38 10 5 15 6 2 - - - 39 11 25 3 0 10 9 1
District Črnomerec 14.057 10.231 3.324 2.749 2.629 969 410 95 55 486 10.897 2.976 5.951 1.660 310 3.826 3.459 367
Private ownership or co-ownership 11.464 8.495 2.858 2.236 2.069 826 371 86 49 434 9.133 2.687 4.831 1.346 269 2.969 2.678 291
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 567 348 98 105 104 31 6 2 2 20 353 56 223 69 5 219 193 26
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.182 857 201 263 309 61 18 3 2 16 867 127 595 125 20 325 300 25
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 504 341 114 93 88 32 9 4 1 8 350 70 182 84 14 163 149 14
Sub-tenancy 78 47 16 8 19 2 2 - - - 47 10 30 7 0 31 27 4
Other 262 143 37 44 40 17 4 - 1 8 147 26 90 29 2 119 112 7
District Donja Dubrava 11.126 9.165 2.248 2.231 2.588 1.199 502 216 181 1.664 10.060 2.411 6.152 1.252 245 1.961 1.769 192
Private ownership or co-ownership 8.650 7.167 1.899 1.663 1.848 969 447 182 159 1.471 8.003 2.137 4.640 1.017 209 1.483 1.340 143
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 579 458 89 146 143 49 18 8 5 46 469 57 328 75 9 121 105 16
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.432 1.208 198 335 493 136 24 14 8 68 1.241 170 946 111 14 224 205 19
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 125 105 18 25 33 13 4 6 6 54 107 7 77 17 6 20 18 2
Sub-tenancy 106 65 13 20 22 7 2 1 - - 65 8 44 11 2 41 37 4
Other 234 162 31 42 49 25 7 5 3 25 175 32 117 21 5 72 64 8
District Donji Grad 18.201 11.549 4.081 3.383 2.766 901 295 90 33 292 12.172 3.234 5.779 2.676 483 6.652 5.891 761
Private ownership or co-ownership 14.524 9.489 3.396 2.794 2.218 735 252 70 24 213 10.025 2.797 4.662 2.183 383 5.035 4.427 608
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 615 348 106 110 86 30 9 3 4 39 360 69 213 72 6 267 244 23
Kinship with owner or tenant 827 421 152 122 115 26 6 - - - 426 96 229 90 11 406 373 33
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 1.488 946 308 265 247 88 21 12 5 40 1.007 210 481 252 64 542 474 68
Sub-tenancy 151 44 21 11 11 1 - - - - 44 15 21 7 1 107 101 6
Other 596 301 98 81 89 21 7 5 - - 310 47 173 72 18 295 272 23
District Gornja Dubrava 19.937 15.838 4.229 3.947 4.413 1.901 823 299 226 2.097 17.165 4.306 10.390 2.077 392 4.099 3.762 337
Private ownership or co-ownership 15.495 12.401 3.558 2.978 3.200 1.492 711 264 198 1.846 13.645 3.794 7.873 1.636 342 3.094 2.867 227
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 1.027 779 162 242 245 97 21 7 5 43 796 114 552 121 9 248 213 35
Kinship with owner or tenant 2.596 2.087 366 581 797 243 69 19 12 103 2.131 299 1.594 212 26 509 460 49
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 386 293 75 76 74 38 15 6 9 81 307 43 191 66 7 93 82 11
Sub-tenancy 155 82 30 18 28 4 2 - - - 84 22 47 15 0 73 67 6
Other 278 196 38 52 69 27 5 3 2 24 202 34 133 27 8 82 73 9
District Gornji Grad- Medvešćak 14.061 9.481 3.318 2.726 2.336 757 253 58 33 286 9.984 2.819 4.958 1.795 412 4.580 4.089 491
Private ownership or co-ownership 11.073 7.781 2.762 2.226 1.888 618 212 50 25 217 8.223 2.430 4.018 1.446 329 3.292 2.911 381
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 455 245 91 69 68 11 5 1 - - 250 68 127 43 12 210 195 15
Kinship with owner or tenant 932 553 150 182 178 34 8 1 - - 559 117 370 59 13 379 352 27
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 1.118 686 245 190 148 69 23 5 6 53 726 157 325 194 50 432 389 43
Sub-tenancy 71 28 19 1 7 - 1 - - - 28 12 9 7 0 43 40 3
Other 412 188 51 58 47 25 4 1 2 16 198 35 109 46 8 224 202 22
District Maksimir 18.396 13.269 4.404 3.647 3.412 1.204 417 115 70 612 13.982 3.945 7.538 2.131 368 5.127 4.638 489
Private ownership or co-ownership 14.685 10.858 3.725 2.910 2.697 1.002 359 102 63 552 11.523 3.465 6.049 1.700 309 3.827 3.439 388
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 715 434 126 137 115 43 10 1 2 18 444 94 270 74 6 281 259 22
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.698 1.214 288 384 413 97 21 8 3 25 1.227 206 832 163 26 484 451 33
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 758 472 168 142 109 37 12 3 1 9 491 116 226 131 18 286 252 34
Sub-tenancy 113 46 17 13 13 2 1 - - - 47 8 22 15 2 67 65 2
Other 427 245 80 61 65 23 14 1 1 8 250 56 139 48 7 182 172 10
District Novi Zagreb-istok 24.592 18.150 5.968 5.680 4.504 1.347 472 115 64 575 19.140 5.043 10.354 3.186 557 6.442 5.911 531
Private ownership or co-ownership 20.594 15.639 5.210 4.849 3.826 1.180 416 102 56 505 16.592 4.482 8.799 2.805 506 4.955 4.551 404
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 1.135 679 254 210 159 42 11 1 2 19 684 192 379 99 14 456 404 52
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.742 1.106 322 413 297 58 9 5 2 16 1.111 247 713 140 11 636 586 50
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 561 444 92 128 147 47 22 5 3 27 463 62 297 90 14 117 109 8
Sub-tenancy 122 56 19 18 12 3 4 - - - 56 11 35 8 2 66 63 3
Other 438 226 71 62 63 17 10 2 1 8 234 49 131 44 10 212 198 14
District Novi Zagreb-zapad 16.930 12.949 3.844 3.368 3.494 1.375 542 191 135 1.191 13.934 3.644 7.942 1.981 367 3.981 3.635 346
Private ownership or co-ownership 13.860 10.765 3.311 2.730 2.776 1.167 483 174 124 1.099 11.706 3.274 6.489 1.628 315 3.095 2.826 269
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 661 464 113 150 146 31 16 6 2 16 472 78 300 83 11 197 177 20
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.452 1.054 276 319 329 105 17 3 5 44 1.069 200 705 139 25 398 368 30
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 442 333 70 78 127 31 18 6 3 24 346 40 216 84 6 109 101 8
Sub-tenancy 190 127 25 38 48 13 2 1 - - 129 17 91 18 3 63 57 6
Other 325 206 49 53 68 28 6 1 1 8 212 35 141 29 7 119 106 13
District Pešćenica-Žitnjak 20.568 15.274 4.645 3.996 4.142 1.511 583 217 180 1.628 16.297 4.051 9.245 2.557 444 5.294 4.844 450
Private ownership or co-ownership 16.413 12.321 3.906 3.146 3.162 1.249 498 197 163 1.478 13.277 3.527 7.283 2.084 383 4.092 3.772 320
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 1.013 753 194 229 226 70 24 6 4 37 771 138 509 114 10 260 219 41
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.659 1.154 265 352 401 95 32 4 5 41 1.169 190 815 133 31 505 446 59
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 835 654 169 175 227 60 16 3 4 36 674 112 403 146 13 181 169 12
Sub-tenancy 252 145 53 33 39 15 2 1 2 20 148 30 86 32 0 107 99 8
Other 396 247 58 61 87 22 11 6 2 16 258 54 149 48 7 149 139 10
District Podsljeme (Šestine-Gračani-Markuševec) 5.600 4.567 1.193 1.064 1.289 607 268 94 52 466 5.100 1.387 3.006 579 128 1.033 933 100
Private ownership or co-ownership 4.990 4.080 1.109 931 1.102 545 253 90 50 448 4.599 1.319 2.631 530 119 910 822 88
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 64 45 8 19 15 2 1 - - - 45 4 33 8 0 19 17 2
Kinship with owner or tenant 402 339 56 92 131 45 13 2 - - 349 48 268 27 6 63 59 4
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 16 11 3 2 5 1 - - - - 11 1 8 2 0 5 5 -
Sub-tenancy 44 33 4 8 12 7 - 1 1 8 33 2 26 5 0 11 9 2
Other 84 59 13 12 24 7 1 1 1 10 63 13 40 7 3 25 21 4
District Podsused-Vrapče 14.108 11.260 3.158 3.024 3.130 1.215 495 141 97 859 12.238 3.195 7.047 1.697 299 2.848 2.617 231
Private ownership or co-ownership 11.827 9.498 2.762 2.490 2.537 1.050 443 125 91 806 10.446 2.912 5.826 1.446 262 2.329 2.145 184
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 474 354 88 114 103 34 8 6 1 8 358 55 239 58 6 120 106 14
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.405 1.114 232 346 410 95 26 2 3 27 1.126 173 801 132 20 291 270 21
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 155 123 31 28 29 15 12 6 2 18 133 26 77 24 6 32 30 2
Sub-tenancy 92 61 12 17 23 6 2 1 - - 64 7 40 13 4 31 26 5
Other 155 110 33 29 28 15 4 1 - - 111 22 64 24 1 45 40 5
District Sesvete 17.169 14.710 3.170 3.342 4.189 2.224 1.044 431 310 2.894 16.738 4.147 10.573 1.691 327 2.459 2.246 213
Private ownership or co-ownership 14.263 12.297 2.731 2.688 3.338 1.888 948 407 297 2.785 14.264 3.785 8.748 1.438 293 1.966 1.804 162
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 546 476 98 127 143 81 20 3 4 33 487 74 343 68 2 70 55 15
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.716 1.466 255 396 551 183 60 15 6 49 1.502 219 1.136 126 21 250 226 24
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 159 114 19 33 46 9 5 2 - - 118 13 83 20 2 45 43 2
Sub-tenancy 149 109 24 33 28 21 3 - - - 109 15 76 17 1 40 35 5
Other 336 248 43 65 83 42 8 4 3 27 258 41 187 22 8 88 83 5
District Stenjevec 13.620 10.893 2.649 3.011 3.453 1.134 433 131 82 760 11.587 2.519 7.324 1.517 227 2.727 2.494 233
Private ownership or co-ownership 10.805 8.751 2.172 2.370 2.765 918 356 107 63 589 9.396 2.151 5.829 1.229 187 2.054 1.891 163
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 683 510 142 171 140 39 11 6 1 8 524 111 327 77 9 173 148 25
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.121 844 191 252 286 76 25 8 6 51 861 161 606 82 12 277 249 28
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 499 455 57 109 167 72 32 6 12 112 467 30 350 76 11 44 38 6
Sub-tenancy 208 131 34 49 39 5 3 1 - - 134 27 82 22 3 77 72 5
Other 304 202 53 60 56 24 6 3 - - 205 39 130 31 5 102 96 6
District Trešnjevka-jug 24.938 18.478 5.736 5.452 5.208 1.450 469 109 54 488 19.475 4.956 10.952 3.025 542 6.460 5.896 564
Private ownership or co-ownership 20.475 15.605 4.830 4.578 4.390 1.246 426 85 50 450 16.549 4.317 9.235 2.532 465 4.870 4.464 406
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 1.159 711 241 228 188 42 6 4 2 17 716 166 417 114 19 448 400 48
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.904 1.167 367 366 324 86 16 7 1 9 1.177 266 708 174 29 737 664 73
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 747 609 182 164 191 49 13 10 - - 638 123 362 132 21 138 126 12
Sub-tenancy 183 104 37 38 23 3 2 1 - - 106 29 61 14 2 79 72 7
Other 470 282 79 78 92 24 6 2 1 12 289 55 169 59 6 188 170 18
District Trešnjevka-sjever 21.644 14.684 5.036 4.180 3.771 1.136 379 111 71 636 15.381 4.244 8.187 2.546 404 6.960 6.415 545
Private ownership or co-ownership 16.553 11.583 4.069 3.265 2.888 903 300 98 60 536 12.215 3.572 6.353 1.961 329 4.970 4.586 384
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 1.293 762 260 244 177 58 14 4 5 44 777 177 441 145 14 531 489 42
Kinship with owner or tenant 2.016 1.284 356 381 410 104 29 3 1 8 1.301 257 831 192 21 732 668 64
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 1.061 698 261 179 182 43 27 3 3 31 727 177 338 184 28 363 329 34
Sub-tenancy 220 93 28 39 19 7 - - - - 93 18 52 22 1 127 121 6
Other 501 264 62 72 95 21 9 3 2 17 268 43 172 42 11 237 222 15
District Trnje 17.519 12.208 4.155 3.535 3.225 902 269 72 50 475 12.764 3.371 6.711 2.298 384 5.311 4.840 471
Private ownership or co-ownership 14.362 10.336 3.592 2.956 2.702 759 229 62 36 343 10.848 3.002 5.600 1.906 340 4.026 3.651 375
Tenant with a free-based tenancy 731 443 141 147 115 32 5 1 2 19 449 100 265 79 5 288 264 24
Kinship with owner or tenant 1.055 591 186 196 167 30 9 2 1 8 602 130 349 116 7 464 423 41
Tenant with contract-based tenancy 762 550 155 150 157 61 17 3 7 63 570 89 330 132 19 212 202 10
Sub-tenancy 144 70 26 27 15 1 1 - - - 70 15 38 15 2 74 65 9
Other 465 218 55 59 69 19 8 4 4 42 225 35 129 50 11 247 235 12

1) Refers to private households.