Total Families by number of children
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and more
County of Zagreb                    
Number of families 64.045 28.670 27.196 6.282 1.361 355 106 40 20 15
Number of children 110.352 28.670 54.392 18.846 5.444 1.775 636 280 160 149
Married couple with children - number of families 52.395 20.440 24.444 5.771 1.248 330 100 32 16 14
Number of children by age - all 94.375 20.440 48.888 17.313 4.992 1.650 600 224 128 140
Years of age:                    
0-5 19.358 4.903 8.891 3.929 1.077 336 129 34 28 31
6-9 12.974 1.250 7.052 3.160 971 330 115 43 29 24
10-14 16.960 1.573 9.492 4.000 1.219 398 146 57 40 35
15-17 11.002 1.395 6.404 2.198 651 198 88 30 17 21
18-24 21.743 5.240 12.155 3.019 850 289 100 48 13 29
25 and more 11.862 5.965 4.655 926 205 80 22 9 - -
Unknown 476 114 239 81 19 19 - 3 1 -
Mother with children - number of families 9.377 6.762 2.162 347 75 17 4 7 2 1
Number of children by age - all 12.610 6.762 4.324 1.041 300 85 24 49 16 9
Years of age:                    
0-5 1.025 554 307 116 25 11 1 8 3 -
6-9 883 345 350 127 36 9 3 11 2 -
10-14 1.267 433 569 187 49 13 4 9 3 -
15-17 987 332 467 133 34 11 1 7 2 -
18-24 2.795 1.124 1.255 273 91 23 9 11 6 3
25 and more 5.565 3.928 1.341 200 63 18 6 3 - 6
Unknown 88 46 35 5 2 - - - - -
Father with children - number of families 2.273 1.468 590 164 38 8 2 1 2 -
Number of children by age - all 3.367 1.468 1.180 492 152 40 12 7 16 -
Years of age:                    
0-5 250 77 95 51 14 5 4 1 3 -
6-9 193 58 67 47 11 6 2 2 - -
10-14 330 96 132 72 15 8 4 1 2 -
15-17 307 92 130 50 21 9 1 1 3 -
18-24 903 365 358 127 43 8 - 1 1 -
25 and more 1.334 759 383 135 44 4 1 1 7 -
Unknown 50 21 15 10 4 - - - - -