Total Families by number of children
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and more
County of Osijek-Baranja                    
Number of families 67.837 31.309 27.395 7.063 1.535 325 118 51 22 19
Number of children 116.488 31.309 54.790 21.189 6.140 1.625 708 357 176 194
Married couple with children - number of families 53.549 21.243 23.973 6.446 1.398 299 107 44 21 18
Number of children by age - all 96.916 21.243 47.946 19.338 5.592 1.495 642 308 168 184
Years of age:                    
0-5 20.565 5.157 8.924 4.413 1.417 342 150 86 48 28
6-9 13.889 1.421 7.124 3.696 1.086 291 124 75 40 32
10-14 18.324 1.862 9.838 4.613 1.346 356 153 70 37 49
15-17 11.762 1.663 6.521 2.466 751 204 80 32 18 27
18-24 21.043 5.171 11.357 3.297 782 236 102 36 20 42
25 and more 11.153 5.926 4.104 822 188 60 33 9 5 6
Unknown 180 43 78 31 22 6 - - - -
Mother with children - number of families 11.911 8.478 2.847 447 100 23 8 6 1 1
Number of children by age - all 16.136 8.478 5.694 1.341 400 115 48 42 8 10
Years of age:                    
0-5 1.290 666 419 132 50 14 3 5 - 1
6-9 1.184 469 489 149 54 13 3 5 1 1
10-14 2.036 714 943 256 80 22 8 10 2 1
15-17 1.503 499 720 207 46 11 9 9 1 1
18-24 3.491 1.507 1.492 347 87 27 11 12 4 4
25 and more 6.582 4.587 1.621 246 83 28 14 1 - 2
Unknown 50 36 10 4 - - - - - -
Father with children - number of families 2.377 1.588 575 170 37 3 3 1 - -
Number of children by age - all 3.436 1.588 1.150 510 148 15 18 7 - -
Years of age:                    
0-5 277 122 91 44 18 - 2 - - -
6-9 253 75 91 59 21 1 5 1 - -
10-14 409 135 155 86 24 2 6 1 - -
15-17 335 115 127 74 12 4 2 1 - -
18-24 814 358 319 105 24 4 1 3 - -
25 and more 1.323 773 357 138 48 4 2 1 - -
Unknown 25 10 10 4 1 - - - - -