Census of Population, Households and Dwellings 2011

Logotip popisa stanovništva 2011.



What is the Census of population, households, and dwellings and which are its units?


The Census of population, households and dwellings (hereinafter referred to as Census) is the largest survey aimed at collecting basic data on the number, territorial arrangement and composition of population by demographic, economic, educational, emigrational and other topics. In addition, data collected by the Census include households, dwellings and their topics.


In the Republic of Croatia, as in the majority of European countries, the Census is executed every 10 years and the three units are population, households and dwellings.


When will the Census 2011 take place?


The Census shall be carried out in the period between 1 and 28 April 2011 in accordance with the situation on 31 March 2011 at midnight, which shall be deemed as the moment of Census.  


Why has the duration of enumeration process of the Census 2011 been prolonged (from two to four weeks)?


Experience form prior censuses prove that if more attention is given to the enumeration process itself, the enumerators will acquire routine after few days, hence more efficiency. Furthermore, the enumeration process being prolonged led to a smaller number of enumerators required than in 2001.


Why are censuses carried out?


Census is the most extensive source of data on population, households, families and dwellings. These data are necessary for conducting various economic and social development policies and scientific research.


Who is organizing Census 2011?


The Census shall be prepared, organized, and executed by the Central Bureau of Statistics, and within the area of their competence, the following bodies shall also be involved: State Geodetic Administration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Justice.


For the purpose of the preparation, organization and execution of the 2011 Census, the following bodies shall be set up: county census committees; census committees of branch offices in towns and municipalities; census centers for towns or municipalities. Within the area of their competence, the abovementioned bodies shall set up branch offices/census centers and nominate and/or appoint participants of Census 2011.


What are the main tasks of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics in preparation of Census 2011?


The main tasks of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics include the following:


1.     production of methodology for preparation and execution of the Census, and establishing content and appearance of the census form,

2.     informing the public, in a timely manner and in detail, of the goal, meaning and content of the Census,

3.     drawing up instructions for the persons involved in the Census (committees, coordinators, instructors, controllers and enumerators) and ensuring uniformity in its implementation,

4.     appointing coordinators, instructors, controllers for the counties and the City of Zagreb

5.     organization and supervision of technical and methodological training for persons participating in the Census,

6.     offering technical and methodological help to persons participating in the Census,

7.     organization of printing and distribution of general and secondary census forms, guides and other aids, including sample general census forms in languages and script of national minorities,

8.     taking possession of the filled out Census forms after the enumeration process,

9.     exercising control over manual and automatic preparation of the Census data for processing,

10.  selecting technology applicable for entering and processing data on the computers,

11.  processing data collected in the Census and releasing first and final Census results,

12.  managing and allocating funds for the organization, execution, processing, publishing and dissemination of data.


What is the legal basis for the Census 2011?


Census 2011 shall be carried out under the Act on the census of population, households and dwellings in the Republic of Croatia in 2011 (Official Gazette, 92/10), which lays down the content, preparation, organization and execution of the Census of population, households and dwellings in the Republic of Croatia in 2011, obligations of state and other bodies involved in the execution of the Census, rights and obligations of citizens as Census data providers, as well as all those involved in the execution of the Census and data processing after the Census, publishing of Census results and financing of the Census.


How many persons shall participate in the Census 2011?


According to the plan, around 15 000 enumerators, 2 000 controllers, 180 instructors and 45 coordinators are expected to participate in the Census 2011. In addition, 400 persons shall be involved in data processing following the enumeration. Additional participants include members of county census committees and census committees of branch offices and heads of census centers. The exact number of participants shall depend on the circumstances and requirements of the field operations.


Approximately 15 000 field enumerators will undertake training and pass the mandatory test. Each enumerator shall carry on his/her person an authorization for identification purposes. All enumerators shall also carry a case with the Census logo making them recognizable to the citizens.


How much does the Census 2011 cost?


Under the Act on the census of population, households and dwellings in the Republic of Croatia in 2011, the funds required for the financing of the Census shall amount to 175 million HRK.


Are the citizens obliged to provide data for the Census 2011?


Yes, citizens are required to share required information referred to in Article 45 of the Act on the census of population, households and dwellings in the Republic of Croatia in 2011


When was the first population census conducted in the Republic of Croatia?


The first partial population censuses covering the territory of the present-day Republic of Croatia date from 1746 and 1754, the reign of Maria Theresa, and were known as „Theresian“. These censuses were incomplete since they excluded gentry and clergy. Population was enumerated according to the affiliation of holdings to particular noblemen or towns.

The 1875 census, carried out during the reign of Joseph II and referred to as the „Joseph's census“ was incomplete as well as it excluded the clergy.

Clergy, gentry and military were not included in the subsequent 1805 census. The 1850/1851 census also failed to meet the conditions since the enumeration process, due to the circumstances of the time, lasted for two years.

The first comprehensive census was carried out in 1857 in the former Austria, and it included data for the entire territory of the present-day Republic of Croatia.

Censuses of 1869, 1880, 1890, 1900 and 1910 followed regularly.

In 1921 and 1931, during the period between 2 World wars, two censuses were carried out in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

In 1941, the census was not carried out due to the war although preparations were completed.

Since the end of World War II, seven population censuses have been carried out in the Republic of Croatia.

The first one was conducted in 1948, the so-called short census, whose main goal was to determine post-war population and their territorial distribution.

Five years later, in 1953, due to an increase in demand for more complex data on population, a complete census was carried out.

Censuses have been carried out in the Republic of Croatia every ten years (1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, and 2001) since 1961.


Does personal information, collected for the Census, fall into the category of official secret?


One of the main principles of the official statistics implies protection and confidentiality of individual data.


Individual data collected within the Census are considered an official secret. Individual data shall not be published and no person shall have access to them.


Census data shall only be expressed in an aggregate form at the state, county, town/municipality and settlement level.


Protection of individual data is regulated by the Act on the census of population, households and dwellings in the Republic of Croatia 2011 (Official Gazette 92/10), the Official Statistics Act (Official Gazette 103/03) and Act on the Protection of Personal Data (Official Gazette 103/03).


Which definition is used to establish the total population of the Republic of Croatia?

In accordance with international standards, in Census 2011 the concept of the place of usual residence shall be applied to define total population.


According to that concept, total population of a country consists of usual residents.


The place of usual residence generally referrers to the place where the enumerated person usually spends daily period, while not taking into consideration short-term absences from that place (e.g. due to vacation, travel, medical treatment, visits and other).


According to the definition of the place of usual residence, the total population shall include:

-           Persons  who have been resident in the Republic of Croatia in the moment of Census at the place of their usual residence continually no less than 12 months;

-           Persons who have in the period of 12 months prior to moment of Census visited the place of their usual residence with the intention of residing  there for at least one year.


A period of one year and longer and the intention of residing or absence for at least one year are the main criteria for inclusion or exclusion of persons from the total population of a country.


How will the refugees be enumerated for Census 2011?


According to EU regulations, refugees are not considered exceptions, therefore the 12 months of absence criterion applies to them as well, and they will be counted into the total population of a country in which they are residing. Apart from the EU countries, the criterion shall apply to the countries in the region as well. That will ensure inclusion of such persons in the total population of a single country only.


Accuracy in defining total population is especially important on an international level for comparison of the data. It is to avoid the possibility of one person being included in the total population of more than one country, so person residing in a country for one year or longer is included in the total population of that country.


What is the difference between population census and electoral register?


Results of the population census and contents of electoral register may not be equated with each other. Individual data collected by the CBS are regarded as an official secret and may be used for statistical purposes only thus they cannot be used to create electoral register.


There is a difference in the coverage, because total population (according to the statistical definition) of the Republic of Croatia and the total enumerated population differ from the electoral register.


Further, on, the second paragraph of Article 37, Act on the census of population, households and dwellings in the Republic of Croatia 2011 states the following:

Considering the methodology applied to carry out the Census pursuant to this Act, the official results of the Census shall not serve as a basis for comparison with other state records of the citizens' personal statuses.


Which international documents were used in preparations of the Census?


The population Census is completely harmonized with international standards, which lay down common rules on collecting data on population and dwellings, and prescribe definitions that the countries are obliged to apply in their censuses to ensure international comparability of the data.

They are as follows:


- Conference of European Statisticians Recommendations for the 2010 Censuses of Population and Housing prepared in cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT), New York and Geneva, 2006


- Regulation (EC) No 763/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 on Population and Housing Censuses


- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1201/2009 of 30 November 2009 implementing Regulation (EC) No 763/2008 of the European Parliament and the Council on population and housing censuses as regards the technical specifications of the topics and their breakdowns


- Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Census, Revision 2, United Nations, New York, 2008


When will the first, i.e. preliminary results of Census 2011 be released and which exact data shall be released?


The first, i.e. preliminary results shall be released by 30 June 2011, and shall contain data on the total number of enumerated persons and total population, households and dwellings at state, county town/municipality and settlement levels.


What if the person is absent during the Census?


Information on absent persons included in the Census shall be provided by the member of the household able to provide the most accurate information on the absent member of the household.

In case the entire household is absent in the time of the Census the enumerator shall leave a written notice to the concerned persons notifying them about a second visit and a contact telephone number for household members to arrange another time of enumeration. If this is not possible, the enumerator shall leave a notice referring them to the nearest Census centre and the address.


Will there be any new questions in the census forms as compared to the prior censuses?


The novelties include the following:


-   Personal Identification Number (OIB) or number of identity card

-   intention of presence/absence in/from the settlement (expressed in months/years)

-   means of commuting /school commuting

-   computer literacy (basic computer skills)


What happens to the forms after all data is entered?


According to Article 49, Act on the census of population, households and dwellings in the Republic of Croatia 2011, the destruction of Census data shall be carried out after all information is entered on the computers, after the completion of controls and after the basic stage of Census data processing and the extraction of a part of the Census data for the Croatian state archives in accordance with the Instruction of the Director General of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics.


Where do I apply for work on the Census 2011?


Applications for positions of enumerators and controllers of Census 2011 shall be invited just before the enumeration process begins, through February and March 2011. Upon receipt of applications of potential candidates, a selection shall be made based on the analysis of the Questionnaire for applying enumerators and controllers. A selected number of applicants shall undergo training for the introduction of methodology and organization of Census 2011. After the training, all participants are obliged to take the final exam. The most successful participants shall be chosen for the enumerators or controllers.


What are prerequisites for jobs with the Census 2011?


An enumerator must have secondary education degree or higher, have clear handwriting (which will be checked upon applying) and pass the final exam for enumerators after training. Field operations shall take place 1 - 28 April and will last throughout each day. Therefore, enumerators spend the entire day in the field, most of which they will enumerate, and a lesser share of time they will spend with their superior (controller) who will validate their materials. Enumerators are expected to be available full-time during the Census, and may not be simultaneously engaged on work elsewhere or actively attend school/university.


As in prior censuses, the unemployed shall take priority in acquiring positions, because working on Census requires full-time engagement/work (including Saturdays and Sundays).


When will the training for participants in Census 2011 begin?


The training for coordinators shall last for several moths. Training for other participants in the Census shall begin three weeks prior to the Census. Participants shall receive hierarchical training, i.e. coordinators shall provide instructors and members of the committee with training, instructors shall provide controllers, and finally controllers shall provide enumerators with training. Training at all levels shall last for four days.


What is the rate of pay for participants in the Census 2011?


The rate of pay shall depend on the number of units (persons, households and dwellings) that the enumerator collects in the assigned census district. Coordinators and a share of instructors shall be selected among employees of Croatian Bureau of Statistics. The rate of pay for controllers and a share of instructors (not employees of the CBS) shall be fixed for each of the categories and be determined according to the duration of their work.


All information regarding Census 2011 shall be released timely on the Croatian Bureau of Statistics website (www.dzs.hr).