Sex Total Age
0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85 and over
Republic of Croatia                                        
Total All 759.908 3.635 6.184 8.367 8.021 7.732 10.091 13.353 22.689 35.146 49.919 72.234 87.693 81.597 70.218 89.117 89.368 63.376 41.168
  M 360.695 2.112 3.674 4.793 4.321 4.581 6.212 8.240 15.435 23.754 30.377 39.391 48.361 42.453 31.554 35.394 31.212 19.170 9.661
  W 399.213 1.523 2.510 3.574 3.700 3.151 3.879 5.113 7.254 11.392 19.542 32.843 39.332 39.144 38.664 53.723 58.156 44.206 31.507
Seeing difficulty All 35.723 175 581 903 917 928 1.006 1.103 1.205 1.492 2.386 3.305 3.898 3.628 3.009 3.765 3.612 2.456 1.354
  M 16.915 102 306 445 476 544 613 675 740 892 1.320 1.750 1.998 1.709 1.300 1.534 1.322 804 385
  W 18.808 73 275 458 441 384 393 428 465 600 1.066 1.555 1.900 1.919 1.709 2.231 2.290 1.652 969
Seeing difficulty and hearing or speaking difficulty All 12.685 22 47 56 40 53 62 56 126 250 475 794 1.112 1.137 1.086 1.660 2.098 1.905 1.706
  M 6.787 12 23 30 27 34 43 37 101 196 358 583 797 769 605 840 1.023 772 537
  W 5.898 10 24 26 13 19 19 19 25 54 117 211 315 368 481 820 1.075 1.133 1.169
Seeing difficulty and difficulties of remembering, concentrating or communicating with other people All 5.066 7 61 84 72 61 64 91 147 238 441 571 626 438 359 508 577 450 271
  M 2.507 6 30 50 40 35 40 60 103 169 304 349 387 230 161 189 181 116 57
  W 2.559 1 31 34 32 26 24 31 44 69 137 222 239 208 198 319 396 334 214
Seeing difficulty and mobility difficulties All 38.205 60 95 123 147 107 135 158 284 600 1.234 2.520 3.602 3.601 3.463 5.407 6.563 5.706 4.400
  M 13.599 25 49 66 64 62 79 94 176 356 681 1.279 1.848 1.724 1.287 1.696 1.841 1.390 882
  W 24.606 35 46 57 83 45 56 64 108 244 553 1.241 1.754 1.877 2.176 3.711 4.722 4.316 3.518
Seeing difficulty and other difficulties All 22.031 49 72 118 129 121 167 187 322 616 1.306 2.238 2.900 2.822 2.446 3.187 3.005 1.625 721
  M 9.742 29 39 60 73 64 100 98 193 381 730 1.142 1.546 1.361 964 1.171 1.076 538 177
  W 12.289 20 33 58 56 57 67 89 129 235 576 1.096 1.354 1.461 1.482 2.016 1.929 1.087 544
Hearing or speaking difficulty All 21.976 263 667 534 393 377 436 460 599 854 1.120 1.514 1.820 2.139 1.923 2.473 2.784 2.156 1.464
  M 12.975 169 462 332 237 228 271 297 403 617 745 967 1.220 1.359 1.146 1.427 1.474 1.026 595
  W 9.001 94 205 202 156 149 165 163 196 237 375 547 600 780 777 1.046 1.310 1.130 869
Hearing or speaking difficulty and difficulties of remembering, concentrating or communicating with other people All 5.906 67 263 274 221 187 155 187 267 331 371 435 415 405 334 452 585 523 434
  M 3.584 43 184 187 146 127 94 118 199 261 295 299 304 263 204 245 280 210 125
  W 2.322 24 79 87 75 60 61 69 68 70 76 136 111 142 130 207 305 313 309
Hearing or speaking difficulty and mobility difficulties All 21.197 71 110 104 122 87 121 125 232 399 528 879 1.272 1.429 1.560 2.531 3.777 3.899 3.951
  M 9.966 40 67 58 68 47 72 77 161 321 409 609 899 982 917 1.255 1.589 1.376 1.019
  W 11.231 31 43 46 54 40 49 48 71 78 119 270 373 447 643 1.276 2.188 2.523 2.932
Hearing or speaking difficulty and other difficulties All 10.298 59 88 95 68 64 84 97 208 334 473 654 1.039 989 1.090 1.437 1.612 1.236 671
  M 6.288 37 58 53 46 40 58 67 165 269 379 456 773 684 702 831 827 583 260
  W 4.010 22 30 42 22 24 26 30 43 65 94 198 266 305 388 606 785 653 411
Difficulties of remembering, concentrating or communicating with other people All 24.817 66 393 861 641 503 690 920 1.791 2.497 2.816 2.925 2.543 1.733 1.147 1.451 1.666 1.314 860
  M 15.099 50 265 588 374 317 438 632 1.379 1.951 2.048 1.984 1.620 1.042 569 629 625 403 185
  W 9.718 16 128 273 267 186 252 288 412 546 768 941 923 691 578 822 1.041 911 675
Difficulties of remembering, concentrating or communicating with other people and mobility difficulties All 21.203 56 147 206 202 196 219 263 483 766 1.033 1.466 1.639 1.457 1.497 2.437 3.255 3.126 2.755
  M 9.146 29 80 112 115 120 127 159 333 600 673 858 973 863 740 1.013 1.063 829 459
  W 12.057 27 67 94 87 76 92 104 150 166 360 608 666 594 757 1.424 2.192 2.297 2.296
Difficulties of remembering, concentrating or communicating with other people and other difficulties All 11.666 31 137 235 222 275 330 394 752 1.069 1.223 1.286 1.281 958 646 824 912 657 434
  M 6.627 19 91 157 130 178 213 250 559 808 882 832 809 537 288 311 297 187 79
  W 5.039 12 46 78 92 97 117 144 193 261 341 454 472 421 358 513 615 470 355
Mobility difficulties All 205.420 387 481 747 901 1.135 1.800 2.727 4.586 7.627 11.337 18.353 23.756 22.752 20.556 26.749 27.832 20.535 13.159
  M 86.764 197 268 376 492 708 1.181 1.774 3.109 4.883 6.514 9.529 12.417 11.223 8.549 9.414 8.245 5.232 2.653
  W 118.656 190 213 371 409 427 619 953 1.477 2.744 4.823 8.824 11.339 11.529 12.007 17.335 19.587 15.303 10.506
Mobility difficulties and other difficulties All 72.728 131 203 270 294 322 447 613 1.091 2.062 3.408 5.924 7.905 7.829 7.517 10.734 11.310 7.887 4.781
  M 29.528 77 117 156 155 186 260 361 735 1.366 1.977 3.048 4.152 3.906 2.973 3.662 3.364 2.048 985
  W 43.200 54 86 114 139 136 187 252 356 696 1.431 2.876 3.753 3.923 4.544 7.072 7.946 5.839 3.796
Other difficulties All 249.211 2.170 2.818 3.734 3.629 3.292 4.343 5.931 10.534 15.895 21.621 29.211 33.691 30.099 23.442 25.340 19.599 9.754 4.108
  M 130.216 1.264 1.623 2.109 1.863 1.877 2.600 3.512 7.032 10.600 12.955 15.595 18.503 15.709 11.077 11.110 7.932 3.617 1.238
  W 118.995 906 1.195 1.625 1.766 1.415 1.743 2.419 3.502 5.295 8.666 13.616 15.188 14.390 12.365 14.230 11.667 6.137 2.870
Unknown All 1.776 21 21 23 23 24 32 41 62 116 147 159 194 181 143 162 181 147 99
  M 952 13 12 14 15 14 23 29 47 84 107 111 115 92 72 67 73 39 25
  W 824 8 9 9 8 10 9 12 15 32 40 48 79 89 71 95 108 108 74

1) In the Census, persons with difficulties could choose maximum two answers (two types of difficulties). Therefore, this table presents all possible combinations of the answers (one answer or a combination of two answers).