Sex Total Age
0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85 and over
City of Zagreb                                        
Total All 114.483 678 1.060 1.480 1.351 1.207 1.670 2.281 3.350 4.958 6.872 10.205 13.015 12.337 11.225 13.016 12.678 9.604 7.496
  M 51.485 396 686 860 700 712 985 1.320 2.177 3.189 3.856 4.823 6.477 6.020 4.825 5.291 4.525 2.834 1.809
  W 62.998 282 374 620 651 495 685 961 1.173 1.769 3.016 5.382 6.538 6.317 6.400 7.725 8.153 6.770 5.687
Seeing difficulty All 5.129 29 54 104 112 112 141 168 181 202 284 437 538 532 454 552 541 408 280
  M 2.196 21 29 54 46 66 83 97 102 116 140 206 235 234 180 218 172 113 84
  W 2.933 8 25 50 66 46 58 71 79 86 144 231 303 298 274 334 369 295 196
Seeing difficulty and hearing or speaking difficulty All 1.707 2 8 9 7 11 8 2 26 41 60 89 120 138 152 202 283 269 280
  M 842 - 6 5 3 9 6 2 18 33 40 53 79 92 78 96 138 99 85
  W 865 2 2 4 4 2 2 - 8 8 20 36 41 46 74 106 145 170 195
Seeing difficulty and difficulties of remembering, concentrating or communicating with other people All 700 4 11 19 13 14 8 15 24 27 71 77 82 54 51 60 63 55 52
  M 337 4 4 12 7 8 4 10 17 18 43 43 47 28 25 23 16 17 11
  W 363 - 7 7 6 6 4 5 7 9 28 34 35 26 26 37 47 38 41
Seeing difficulty and mobility difficulties All 5.596 14 15 29 23 16 28 29 53 113 170 353 521 535 520 740 857 799 781
  M 1.882 6 8 15 9 10 13 15 32 66 95 149 229 227 191 253 230 191 143
  W 3.714 8 7 14 14 6 15 14 21 47 75 204 292 308 329 487 627 608 638
Seeing difficulty and other difficulties All 2.867 8 9 16 15 24 23 28 48 77 178 292 357 351 324 411 383 218 105
  M 1.220 3 7 7 8 12 9 14 31 47 94 136 180 164 129 149 133 67 30
  W 1.647 5 2 9 7 12 14 14 17 30 84 156 177 187 195 262 250 151 75
Hearing or speaking difficulty All 3.507 55 165 101 91 64 86 98 112 133 162 217 263 287 284 373 402 346 268
  M 1.951 32 119 59 46 33 47 53 73 93 92 123 154 176 156 222 215 140 118
  W 1.556 23 46 42 45 31 39 45 39 40 70 94 109 111 128 151 187 206 150
Hearing or speaking difficulty and difficulties of remembering, concentrating or communicating with other people All 855 19 64 65 47 30 28 28 31 42 42 48 45 44 35 58 76 74 79
  M 533 13 48 47 35 23 19 14 23 32 34 30 32 31 22 30 37 32 31
  W 322 6 16 18 12 7 9 14 8 10 8 18 13 13 13 28 39 42 48
Hearing or speaking difficulty and mobility difficulties All 3.153 9 29 28 16 11 14 14 37 55 64 114 165 208 257 358 509 561 704
  M 1.408 7 21 17 8 6 10 8 27 44 45 70 102 127 132 167 230 192 195
  W 1.745 2 8 11 8 5 4 6 10 11 19 44 63 81 125 191 279 369 509
Hearing or speaking difficulty and other difficulties All 1.362 13 17 28 17 13 8 12 20 34 49 77 130 132 133 185 196 182 116
  M 778 10 11 13 11 8 6 7 13 22 36 49 88 79 73 112 110 84 46
  W 584 3 6 15 6 5 2 5 7 12 13 28 42 53 60 73 86 98 70
Difficulties of remembering, concentrating or communicating with other people All 3.628 9 93 206 161 98 122 164 249 282 334 366 310 220 170 208 245 221 170
  M 2.064 7 67 153 85 56 86 96 184 212 210 206 184 129 82 94 92 80 41
  W 1.564 2 26 53 76 42 36 68 65 70 124 160 126 91 88 114 153 141 129
Difficulties of remembering, concentrating or communicating with other people and mobility difficulties All 3.232 8 27 33 49 36 33 53 83 115 150 212 242 212 212 313 439 479 536
  M 1.298 6 19 18 28 23 21 30 59 87 88 104 128 119 103 125 148 121 71
  W 1.934 2 8 15 21 13 12 23 24 28 62 108 114 93 109 188 291 358 465
Difficulties of remembering, concentrating or communicating with other people and other difficulties All 1.487 6 31 42 48 34 46 71 84 146 142 149 157 113 58 91 108 85 76
  M 826 2 21 26 25 23 29 47 55 109 102 84 98 72 28 36 36 20 13
  W 661 4 10 16 23 11 17 24 29 37 40 65 59 41 30 55 72 65 63
Mobility difficulties All 33.444 78 73 141 125 161 295 443 695 1.178 1.683 2.811 3.889 3.910 3.714 4.257 4.212 3.292 2.487
  M 13.314 39 44 64 68 98 176 273 463 719 875 1.229 1.815 1.745 1.516 1.555 1.261 853 521
  W 20.130 39 29 77 57 63 119 170 232 459 808 1.582 2.074 2.165 2.198 2.702 2.951 2.439 1.966
Mobility difficulties and other difficulties All 10.236 15 32 41 44 46 67 103 148 309 520 828 1.179 1.128 1.100 1.408 1.420 1.058 790
  M 4.083 10 20 18 25 29 41 53 91 204 286 385 570 520 437 504 439 270 181
  W 6.153 5 12 23 19 17 26 50 57 105 234 443 609 608 663 904 981 788 609
Other difficulties All 37.111 405 427 614 577 532 753 1.044 1.540 2.179 2.928 4.097 4.966 4.418 3.726 3.759 2.890 1.517 739
  M 18.504 233 259 351 293 304 428 596 974 1.372 1.647 1.931 2.504 2.243 1.656 1.688 1.251 544 230
  W 18.607 172 168 263 284 228 325 448 566 807 1.281 2.166 2.462 2.175 2.070 2.071 1.639 973 509
Unknown All 469 4 5 4 6 5 10 9 19 25 35 38 51 55 35 41 54 40 33
  M 249 3 3 1 3 4 7 5 15 15 29 25 32 34 17 19 17 11 9
  W 220 1 2 3 3 1 3 4 4 10 6 13 19 21 18 22 37 29 24

1) In the Census, persons with difficulties could choose maximum two answers (two types of difficulties). Therefore, this table presents all possible combinations of the answers (one answer or a combination of two answers).