Sex Total Age
0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85 and over
County of Split-Dalmatia                                        
Total All 74.412 560 733 797 781 776 965 1.411 2.626 3.897 5.162 7.188 8.205 8.072 5.823 8.392 8.289 6.270 4.465
  M 37.405 300 428 441 423 490 586 929 1.895 2.819 3.362 4.074 4.580 4.263 2.740 3.660 3.159 2.142 1.114
  W 37.007 260 305 356 358 286 379 482 731 1.078 1.800 3.114 3.625 3.809 3.083 4.732 5.130 4.128 3.351
Fully mobile All 47.142 438 597 655 613 595 766 1.105 2.041 3.065 4.030 5.454 6.048 5.830 3.865 4.909 3.848 2.209 1.074
  M 25.817 236 354 359 329 368 451 717 1.479 2.234 2.642 3.099 3.398 3.134 1.882 2.277 1.639 876 343
  W 21.325 202 243 296 284 227 315 388 562 831 1.388 2.355 2.650 2.696 1.983 2.632 2.209 1.333 731
Permanently limited mobility aided by cane, crutches or walking frame All 15.101 3 10 18 31 29 54 68 139 194 279 512 714 1.060 1.107 2.256 3.153 3.099 2.375
  M 5.742 2 5 12 14 21 37 50 91 123 179 292 403 535 479 877 1.080 949 593
  W 9.359 1 5 6 17 8 17 18 48 71 100 220 311 525 628 1.379 2.073 2.150 1.782
Permanently limited mobility aided by wheelchair All 940 5 26 24 17 34 19 21 36 34 28 31 51 58 68 107 114 128 139
  M 456 3 15 13 11 24 17 14 25 26 17 14 34 29 37 53 54 45 25
  W 484 2 11 11 6 10 2 7 11 8 11 17 17 29 31 54 60 83 114
Permanently immobile All 1.766 6 37 24 32 15 24 21 18 24 32 37 53 66 89 152 272 327 537
  M 571 5 18 12 20 9 14 14 9 11 13 19 25 36 47 63 88 91 77
  W 1.195 1 19 12 12 6 10 7 9 13 19 18 28 30 42 89 184 236 460
Other All 9.249 106 61 76 88 100 100 191 388 575 773 1.132 1.309 1.037 680 943 880 484 326
  M 4.722 53 35 45 49 67 65 131 288 422 498 637 702 520 289 381 293 172 75
  W 4.527 53 26 31 39 33 35 60 100 153 275 495 607 517 391 562 587 312 251
Unknown All 214 2 2 - - 3 2 5 4 5 20 22 30 21 14 25 22 23 14
  M 97 1 1 - - 1 2 3 3 3 13 13 18 9 6 9 5 9 1
  W 117 1 1 - - 2 - 2 1 2 7 9 12 12 8 16 17 14 13