Total number of occupied
dwellings and number of
Dwellings with Dwellings with installations of Dwellings with following combinations of auxiliary rooms Dwellings with air-conditioning
Toilet Bathroom Kitchen Water supply Sewage disposal system Electricity Gas Kitchen, toilet and bathroom Kitchen and toilet Only kitchen Other combinations of auxiliary
Without kitchen, bathroom
and toilet
County of Primorje-Gorski kotar 115.527 115.227 114.088 115.376 115.312 115.313 115.484 23.131 113.962 1.037 191 326 11 47.907
Persons 293.443 292.766 290.755 293.266 292.929 292.931 293.347 56.529 290.597 1.785 444 606 12 126.081
Bakar 2.983 2.967 2.909 2.981 2.979 2.977 2.983 88 2.905 57 7 14 - 967
Persons 8.260 8.224 8.121 8.258 8.253 8.250 8.260 263 8.114 102 12 32 - 2.864
Cres 1.156 1.149 1.132 1.153 1.150 1.149 1.156 12 1.130 16 2 8 - 596
Persons 2.819 2.808 2.789 2.816 2.809 2.808 2.819 36 2.787 18 2 12 - 1.598
Crikvenica 4.538 4.529 4.508 4.533 4.530 4.531 4.532 84 4.505 19 2 11 1 2.482
Persons 11.079 11.060 11.029 11.071 11.061 11.063 11.069 221 11.023 28 6 21 1 6.332
Čabar 1.421 1.407 1.306 1.416 1.414 1.414 1.421 3 1.302 98 13 8 - 10
Persons 3.766 3.745 3.600 3.761 3.753 3.754 3.766 8 3.596 139 20 11 - 34
Delnice 2.268 2.253 2.191 2.265 2.255 2.256 2.264 15 2.189 60 15 4 - 36
Persons 5.834 5.698 5.572 5.830 5.715 5.716 5.815 41 5.570 120 136 8 - 103
Kastav 3.730 3.727 3.711 3.727 3.728 3.728 3.729 222 3.708 12 2 8 - 1.377
Persons 10.432 10.424 10.394 10.429 10.425 10.425 10.431 608 10.391 21 5 15 - 3.892
Kraljevica 1.765 1.754 1.733 1.760 1.758 1.758 1.763 128 1.731 18 5 10 1 907
Persons 4.512 4.495 4.456 4.506 4.502 4.502 4.510 334 4.454 31 5 21 1 2.481
Krk 2.341 2.332 2.317 2.335 2.331 2.333 2.340 130 2.311 11 9 10 - 1.191
Persons 6.022 6.011 5.987 6.015 6.010 6.013 6.021 356 5.980 16 11 15 - 3.142
Mali Lošinj 2.994 2.985 2.967 2.991 2.988 2.988 2.993 68 2.964 13 3 14 - 1.608
Persons 7.984 7.965 7.935 7.981 7.970 7.970 7.983 196 7.932 16 3 33 - 4.533
Novi Vinodolski 2.015 2.004 1.982 2.015 2.012 2.009 2.013 20 1.982 21 8 4 - 860
Persons 5.068 5.047 5.009 5.068 5.065 5.060 5.065 47 5.009 35 11 13 - 2.286
Opatija 4.694 4.680 4.661 4.691 4.682 4.682 4.693 202 4.658 17 6 13 - 2.042
Persons 11.488 11.462 11.434 11.485 11.464 11.464 11.487 533 11.431 22 8 27 - 5.089
Rab 2.869 2.865 2.856 2.869 2.865 2.866 2.869 30 2.856 5 1 7 - 1.388
Persons 8.003 7.994 7.979 8.003 7.994 7.997 8.003 94 7.979 9 3 12 - 3.994
Rijeka 52.056 52.019 51.852 51.966 52.021 52.023 52.050 20.364 51.776 148 15 111 6 24.853
Persons 127.267 127.182 126.814 127.160 127.183 127.192 127.253 48.816 126.722 335 34 170 6 63.488
Vrbovsko 1.997 1.981 1.827 1.995 1.981 1.987 1.994 17 1.827 151 13 5 1 50
Persons 5.069 5.046 4.797 5.067 5.046 5.059 5.066 38 4.797 239 20 12 1 154
Baška 779 779 777 779 779 779 779 25 777 1 - 1 - 421
Persons 1.670 1.670 1.668 1.670 1.670 1.670 1.670 68 1.668 1 - 1 - 961
Brod Moravice 329 318 290 329 319 319 323 - 289 29 9 2 - 11
Persons 854 801 752 854 809 803 825 - 745 56 44 9 - 38
Čavle 2.573 2.556 2.516 2.572 2.562 2.563 2.573 167 2.513 38 11 11 - 713
Persons 7.181 7.146 7.082 7.180 7.160 7.161 7.181 490 7.077 61 18 25 - 2.067
Dobrinj 895 891 881 895 893 891 894 54 881 9 3 2 - 438
Persons 2.067 2.060 2.041 2.067 2.062 2.060 2.065 125 2.041 18 4 4 - 1.069
Fužine 657 657 636 654 656 657 655 7 634 20 - 3 - 4
Persons 1.575 1.575 1.542 1.572 1.574 1.575 1.573 24 1.540 32 - 3 - 11
Jelenje 1.917 1.891 1.833 1.914 1.902 1.898 1.915 46 1.831 49 22 14 1 366
Persons 5.325 5.291 5.186 5.322 5.302 5.298 5.323 136 5.184 80 30 30 1 1.143
Klana 691 690 680 691 691 691 691 14 680 10 - 1 - 46
Persons 1.974 1.973 1.958 1.974 1.974 1.974 1.974 46 1.958 15 - 1 - 148
Kostrena 1.555 1.554 1.538 1.554 1.554 1.554 1.555 294 1.537 12 1 5 - 968
Persons 4.165 4.164 4.134 4.164 4.164 4.164 4.165 829 4.133 21 1 10 - 2.721
Lokve 425 421 405 425 423 423 424 8 405 16 2 2 - -
Persons 1.028 1.021 999 1.028 1.023 1.023 1.027 21 999 22 2 5 - -
Lopar 477 477 472 477 477 477 477 2 472 5 - 0 - 164
Persons 1.263 1.263 1.258 1.263 1.263 1.263 1.263 8 1.258 5 - 0 - 458
Lovran 1.653 1.642 1.628 1.649 1.650 1.648 1.653 61 1.623 14 9 7 - 772
Persons 4.070 4.054 4.028 4.066 4.067 4.062 4.070 163 4.023 23 14 10 - 1.991
Malinska-Dubašnica 1.280 1.275 1.267 1.279 1.275 1.276 1.279 62 1.266 6 5 3 - 626
Persons 3.077 3.072 3.061 3.076 3.072 3.073 3.076 167 3.060 8 5 4 - 1.552
Matulji 4.118 4.099 4.058 4.115 4.104 4.102 4.117 210 4.056 29 9 24 - 875
Persons 11.243 11.214 11.122 11.240 11.221 11.217 11.242 613 11.120 59 12 52 - 2.556
Mošćenička Draga 606 603 594 606 603 603 606 29 594 9 3 0 - 243
Persons 1.535 1.532 1.519 1.535 1.532 1.532 1.535 83 1.519 13 3 0 - 693
Mrkopalj 476 471 450 476 475 475 476 2 450 19 4 3 - 1
Persons 1.214 1.209 1.173 1.214 1.213 1.213 1.214 9 1.173 33 4 4 - 3
Omišalj 1.145 1.140 1.131 1.144 1.142 1.141 1.144 46 1.131 9 4 0 1 698
Persons 2.983 2.964 2.945 2.981 2.971 2.966 2.982 136 2.945 19 17 1 2 1.864
Punat 804 801 797 804 801 801 804 39 797 3 2 2 - 480
Persons 1.963 1.959 1.952 1.963 1.959 1.959 1.963 99 1.952 4 3 4 - 1.199
Ravna Gora 916 915 866 915 915 916 916 4 866 47 1 2 - 3
Persons 2.430 2.427 2.353 2.428 2.429 2.430 2.430 12 2.353 69 3 5 - 10
Skrad 441 440 408 441 439 441 441 - 408 31 - 2 - 9
Persons 1.062 1.060 1.005 1.062 1.060 1.062 1.062 - 1.005 52 - 5 - 29
Vinodolska općina 1.398 1.394 1.372 1.397 1.396 1.395 1.397 22 1.372 20 3 3 - 496
Persons 3.544 3.537 3.500 3.543 3.540 3.539 3.542 61 3.500 33 6 5 - 1.420
Viškovo 5.067 5.066 5.047 5.065 5.066 5.066 5.067 620 5.046 10 1 10 - 1.982
Persons 14.357 14.356 14.310 14.354 14.356 14.356 14.357 1.734 14.308 24 1 24 - 5.547
Vrbnik 498 495 490 498 496 496 498 36 490 5 1 2 - 224
Persons 1.260 1.257 1.251 1.260 1.258 1.258 1.260 114 1.251 6 1 2 - 611