Total number of occupied
dwellings and number of
Dwellings with Dwellings with installations of Dwellings with following combinations of auxiliary rooms Dwellings with air-conditioning
Toilet Bathroom Kitchen Water supply Sewage disposal system Electricity Gas Kitchen, toilet and bathroom Kitchen and toilet Only kitchen Other combinations of auxiliary
Without kitchen, bathroom
and toilet
County of Osijek-Baranja 107.706 102.849 101.615 107.568 103.812 103.612 107.470 53.819 101.033 1.673 4.197 757 46 27.186
Persons 302.859 293.017 290.498 302.672 295.222 294.799 302.460 156.433 289.191 3.565 8.311 1.746 72 83.581
Beli Manastir 3.628 3.526 3.446 3.624 3.542 3.534 3.617 659 3.443 79 93 11 2 682
Persons 9.855 9.614 9.432 9.848 9.667 9.635 9.840 1.864 9.429 177 218 29 5 2.166
Belišće 3.748 3.633 3.565 3.742 3.643 3.646 3.742 2.523 3.561 69 107 8 3 914
Persons 10.776 10.542 10.385 10.766 10.565 10.563 10.768 7.301 10.380 159 220 14 7 2.845
Donji Miholjac 3.199 3.045 3.021 3.194 3.053 3.057 3.190 2.312 3.015 26 147 10 1 797
Persons 9.419 9.137 9.096 9.414 9.155 9.165 9.405 6.833 9.083 50 267 18 1 2.661
Đakovo 8.579 8.368 8.248 8.565 8.436 8.426 8.569 4.949 8.207 146 166 55 5 1.997
Persons 27.315 26.882 26.629 27.299 27.043 27.019 27.298 15.770 26.534 318 318 140 6 6.941
Našice 5.473 5.176 5.130 5.469 5.264 5.243 5.467 3.579 5.078 94 239 60 2 1.194
Persons 16.217 15.612 15.491 16.211 15.825 15.775 16.203 10.690 15.366 240 463 146 2 3.846
Osijek 41.384 41.303 41.087 41.342 41.317 41.313 41.376 27.283 41.049 208 72 52 3 15.942
Persons 107.207 107.086 106.695 107.158 107.108 107.103 107.199 75.201 106.650 372 105 77 3 44.954
Valpovo 3.993 3.850 3.813 3.991 3.857 3.855 3.988 2.640 3.806 40 136 11 - 935
Persons 11.423 11.160 11.076 11.421 11.169 11.166 11.409 7.676 11.066 82 253 22 - 3.036
Antunovac 1.153 1.147 1.144 1.153 1.150 1.150 1.153 904 1.144 2 5 2 - 287
Persons 3.702 3.688 3.681 3.702 3.691 3.698 3.702 2.987 3.681 5 13 3 - 1.101
Bilje 1.973 1.857 1.848 1.972 1.886 1.873 1.963 304 1.837 19 103 13 1 395
Persons 5.642 5.410 5.395 5.641 5.478 5.459 5.619 924 5.373 35 204 29 1 1.349
Bizovac 1.534 1.394 1.368 1.532 1.409 1.403 1.530 949 1.360 33 128 11 2 234
Persons 4.507 4.259 4.222 4.505 4.293 4.280 4.501 2.986 4.202 53 224 26 2 881
Čeminac 1.023 996 983 1.019 1.001 998 1.021 81 981 13 23 4 2 136
Persons 2.904 2.863 2.841 2.897 2.868 2.865 2.902 241 2.839 21 35 7 4 481
Čepin 3.732 3.648 3.570 3.729 3.664 3.659 3.728 2.726 3.563 76 76 17 - 780
Persons 11.496 11.338 11.183 11.492 11.367 11.357 11.489 8.628 11.174 147 147 28 - 2.828
Darda 2.367 2.270 2.153 2.363 2.291 2.284 2.347 283 2.150 114 91 12 - 395
Persons 6.887 6.686 6.357 6.880 6.730 6.714 6.858 842 6.349 326 185 27 - 1.313
Donja Motičina 559 483 483 558 514 506 556 2 458 24 52 25 - 49
Persons 1.651 1.529 1.538 1.650 1.584 1.574 1.647 6 1.491 37 76 47 - 194
Draž 1.090 875 868 1.088 915 896 1.080 30 852 21 199 18 - 46
Persons 2.761 2.367 2.360 2.759 2.445 2.413 2.742 87 2.329 36 363 33 - 150
Drenje 931 685 693 929 712 719 923 9 670 12 219 29 1 63
Persons 2.698 2.118 2.139 2.695 2.192 2.214 2.687 32 2.084 25 509 79 2 225
Đurđenovac 2.402 2.110 2.123 2.396 2.214 2.181 2.393 921 2.066 43 226 61 6 241
Persons 6.750 6.144 6.180 6.742 6.363 6.294 6.737 2.733 6.051 92 466 135 8 786
Erdut 2.671 2.576 2.422 2.668 2.604 2.591 2.661 118 2.419 150 87 13 2 294
Persons 7.306 7.125 6.847 7.301 7.171 7.150 7.293 353 6.839 267 160 38 3 987
Ernestinovo 730 728 724 728 729 729 730 168 722 3 1 4 - 128
Persons 2.179 2.177 2.169 2.177 2.178 2.178 2.179 553 2.167 5 1 6 - 454
Feričanci 788 696 695 787 718 715 786 377 676 19 72 21 - 73
Persons 2.133 1.976 1.984 2.132 2.026 2.019 2.131 1.076 1.945 30 116 42 - 257
Gorjani 531 472 447 531 492 484 526 8 435 37 47 12 - 48
Persons 1.573 1.480 1.402 1.573 1.515 1.505 1.568 21 1.377 103 68 25 - 177
Jagodnjak 701 530 523 698 539 532 686 8 518 8 159 16 - 43
Persons 2.020 1.605 1.590 2.016 1.631 1.610 1.989 26 1.584 15 391 30 - 154
Kneževi Vinogradi 1.687 1.500 1.460 1.683 1.568 1.555 1.673 65 1.413 83 138 52 1 129
Persons 4.590 4.214 4.133 4.585 4.362 4.332 4.560 176 4.036 174 273 106 2 421
Koška 1.337 1.180 1.178 1.335 1.209 1.197 1.335 570 1.159 17 136 25 - 130
Persons 3.979 3.661 3.667 3.972 3.730 3.704 3.976 1.740 3.622 28 266 63 - 505
Levanjska Varoš 373 223 239 371 252 245 369 1 220 3 128 20 2 13
Persons 1.025 709 751 1.021 787 774 1.018 2 695 14 255 59 4 40
Magadenovac 655 533 541 651 555 551 653 359 524 7 103 20 1 29
Persons 1.934 1.681 1.710 1.929 1.738 1.727 1.931 1.090 1.666 12 205 50 1 128
Marijanci 781 665 651 780 672 670 779 309 648 16 111 5 1 96
Persons 2.403 2.192 2.148 2.400 2.206 2.203 2.401 1.037 2.143 46 202 11 3 391
Petlovac 860 752 738 859 767 766 857 11 731 21 98 9 1 86
Persons 2.401 2.191 2.170 2.400 2.227 2.221 2.395 30 2.156 35 193 16 1 308
Petrijevci 972 918 894 972 929 924 970 632 890 26 48 8 - 251
Persons 2.860 2.757 2.713 2.860 2.786 2.776 2.858 1.916 2.704 48 84 24 - 924
Podgorač 993 748 752 991 787 794 978 21 721 26 207 37 2 39
Persons 2.874 2.319 2.360 2.868 2.419 2.450 2.846 74 2.269 47 450 106 6 132
Podravska Moslavina 390 327 329 390 337 336 389 74 321 6 55 8 - 19
Persons 1.202 1.086 1.083 1.202 1.100 1.095 1.201 258 1.067 19 100 16 - 73
Popovac 802 736 706 801 740 738 799 12 705 31 57 8 1 53
Persons 2.083 1.972 1.902 2.082 1.964 1.974 2.076 37 1.901 71 94 16 1 184
Punitovci 571 518 496 571 531 523 568 21 490 28 46 7 - 61
Persons 1.802 1.690 1.654 1.802 1.717 1.702 1.797 80 1.638 52 92 20 - 261
Satnica Đakovačka 631 540 546 631 576 558 629 2 529 11 74 17 - 70
Persons 2.123 1.889 1.907 2.123 2.007 1.950 2.121 8 1.856 33 183 51 - 294
Semeljci 1.317 1.219 1.153 1.316 1.235 1.223 1.311 355 1.150 67 93 6 1 150
Persons 4.345 4.090 3.901 4.344 4.132 4.100 4.323 1.262 3.892 189 244 19 1 625
Strizivojna 719 660 649 717 666 665 718 210 644 16 51 7 1 83
Persons 2.525 2.401 2.371 2.523 2.413 2.412 2.521 714 2.360 41 106 17 1 315
Šodolovci 599 537 527 598 545 544 593 12 520 14 54 11 - 39
Persons 1.649 1.535 1.511 1.648 1.547 1.546 1.642 33 1.500 31 99 19 - 146
Trnava 518 378 395 514 411 454 513 1 370 8 110 26 4 25
Persons 1.592 1.313 1.367 1.585 1.407 1.484 1.587 5 1.292 21 195 80 7 97
Viljevo 731 594 592 729 609 606 725 96 583 11 125 11 1 62
Persons 2.065 1.785 1.791 2.063 1.829 1.816 2.058 276 1.765 20 251 28 1 231
Viškovci 556 515 500 556 520 517 556 204 498 17 39 2 - 71
Persons 1.906 1.820 1.786 1.906 1.835 1.828 1.906 767 1.778 42 78 8 - 309
Vladislavci 639 586 564 639 596 598 638 19 559 26 45 9 - 62
Persons 1.882 1.773 1.745 1.882 1.803 1.805 1.880 54 1.728 42 88 24 - 245
Vuka 386 352 351 386 357 354 385 12 348 3 31 4 - 45
Persons 1.198 1.141 1.136 1.198 1.149 1.144 1.197 44 1.130 5 51 12 - 166