Total number of occupied
dwellings and number of
Dwellings with Dwellings with installations of Dwellings with following combinations of auxiliary rooms Dwellings with air-conditioning
Toilet Bathroom Kitchen Water supply Sewage disposal system Electricity Gas Kitchen, toilet and bathroom Kitchen and toilet Only kitchen Other combinations of auxiliary
Without kitchen, bathroom
and toilet
County of Međimurje 34.449 33.133 32.519 34.300 33.386 33.310 34.269 24.972 32.399 665 1.064 207 114 4.250
Persons 112.644 108.535 107.121 112.186 109.171 108.966 111.790 82.706 106.784 1.552 3.316 878 386 15.385
Čakovec 8.799 8.602 8.548 8.757 8.620 8.622 8.789 7.853 8.525 66 145 32 31 1.866
Persons 26.801 25.961 25.897 26.690 26.019 26.014 26.769 23.521 25.823 117 661 169 95 6.006
Mursko Središće 1.911 1.861 1.806 1.911 1.870 1.864 1.906 1.391 1.804 54 48 5 - 169
Persons 6.251 6.123 5.961 6.251 6.138 6.124 6.237 4.583 5.956 157 123 15 - 629
Prelog 2.335 2.257 2.230 2.335 2.267 2.270 2.335 1.489 2.223 34 70 8 - 256
Persons 7.754 7.632 7.579 7.754 7.652 7.655 7.754 5.241 7.570 62 110 12 - 1.039
Belica 865 844 824 865 852 848 865 697 822 8 18 17 - 79
Persons 3.167 3.125 3.067 3.167 3.146 3.136 3.167 2.658 3.060 22 32 53 - 341
Dekanovec 215 213 211 215 214 214 215 161 210 3 1 1 - 23
Persons 774 771 769 774 773 773 774 614 767 4 1 2 - 110
Domašinec 641 615 606 640 621 619 640 423 605 10 24 1 1 54
Persons 2.251 2.197 2.170 2.247 2.205 2.203 2.250 1.562 2.169 28 49 4 4 235
Donja Dubrava 659 640 622 658 642 642 656 408 620 19 17 3 - 54
Persons 1.919 1.900 1.864 1.915 1.902 1.902 1.916 1.254 1.859 37 17 6 - 199
Donji Kraljevec 1.363 1.337 1.324 1.363 1.338 1.340 1.359 987 1.323 12 25 3 - 163
Persons 4.569 4.521 4.505 4.569 4.524 4.529 4.565 3.487 4.502 15 45 7 - 675
Donji Vidovec 449 423 408 449 426 425 446 272 406 16 24 3 - 32
Persons 1.397 1.351 1.313 1.397 1.356 1.355 1.393 904 1.309 41 42 5 - 141
Goričan 828 797 791 828 802 804 826 565 790 7 29 2 - 50
Persons 2.803 2.739 2.727 2.803 2.752 2.750 2.801 2.038 2.726 13 61 3 - 217
Gornji Mihaljevec 608 571 546 608 591 581 607 191 540 31 30 7 - 34
Persons 1.917 1.855 1.803 1.917 1.893 1.874 1.916 672 1.788 67 45 17 - 128
Kotoriba 982 941 905 980 949 946 971 609 902 38 36 5 1 65
Persons 3.103 3.003 2.897 3.096 3.022 3.018 3.058 1.944 2.891 110 85 16 5 252
Mala Subotica 1.464 1.366 1.342 1.461 1.369 1.375 1.445 1.036 1.339 25 91 8 1 127
Persons 5.443 4.941 4.886 5.434 4.947 4.957 5.311 3.811 4.879 58 476 29 5 542
Nedelišće 3.535 3.331 3.229 3.475 3.367 3.350 3.498 2.613 3.218 99 143 27 48 347
Persons 11.878 11.156 10.805 11.692 11.279 11.203 11.705 8.741 10.781 324 540 185 154 1.270
Orehovica 680 593 573 667 609 602 646 374 564 25 67 13 11 59
Persons 2.488 2.075 2.050 2.444 2.148 2.124 2.286 1.307 2.003 62 322 90 42 234
Podturen 1.127 1.050 1.029 1.125 1.067 1.058 1.124 693 1.023 27 67 8 2 71
Persons 3.871 3.656 3.617 3.864 3.709 3.687 3.866 2.529 3.595 61 177 36 7 315
Pribislavec 869 804 802 851 816 815 834 661 793 9 40 11 16 127
Persons 3.094 2.761 2.767 3.015 2.805 2.810 2.876 2.194 2.727 26 222 103 71 491
Selnica 903 850 834 902 873 863 901 452 827 22 42 12 - 50
Persons 2.939 2.838 2.801 2.938 2.881 2.867 2.936 1.611 2.782 53 76 28 - 212
Strahoninec 824 818 810 824 820 821 824 775 810 7 6 1 - 128
Persons 2.680 2.673 2.648 2.680 2.675 2.676 2.680 2.531 2.648 20 7 5 - 493
Sveta Marija 708 686 671 707 690 691 706 487 668 14 18 7 1 57
Persons 2.316 2.273 2.254 2.315 2.285 2.286 2.313 1.683 2.243 18 31 23 1 244
Sveti Juraj na Bregu 1.563 1.519 1.461 1.561 1.533 1.527 1.560 943 1.453 64 34 11 1 124
Persons 5.089 5.020 4.894 5.087 5.041 5.032 5.085 3.252 4.883 132 53 20 1 458
Sveti Martin na Muri 796 763 754 796 770 766 794 438 752 11 30 3 - 61
Persons 2.605 2.545 2.529 2.605 2.554 2.549 2.603 1.540 2.526 19 56 4 - 240
Šenkovec 874 865 858 874 869 870 874 789 855 9 6 4 - 152
Persons 2.878 2.864 2.845 2.878 2.869 2.871 2.878 2.659 2.841 19 10 8 - 521
Štrigova 890 842 794 888 860 848 888 260 790 50 43 6 1 56
Persons 2.673 2.600 2.530 2.671 2.629 2.607 2.671 859 2.522 75 60 15 1 192
Vratišinec 561 545 541 560 551 549 560 405 537 5 10 9 - 46
Persons 1.984 1.955 1.943 1.983 1.967 1.964 1.980 1.511 1.934 12 15 23 - 201