ZAGREB, 8. SRPNJA 2021./ 8 JULY, 2021

BROJ/ NUMBER: 4.3.1/5.


CODEN POPCEA        ISSN 1330-0350










I u svibnju 2021. nastavljen trend visokih stopa rasta dolazaka i noćenja turista u odnosu na svibanj 2020.


The trend of high growth rates of tourist arrivals and nights continued in May 2021, as compared to May 2020




U svibnju 2021. u komercijalnim smještajnim objektima ostvareno je 407 tisuća dolazaka i 1,5 milijun noćenja turista, što je porast dolazaka i noćenja turista u odnosu na svibanj 2020., kada je ostvareno tek 62 tisuće dolazaka i 167 tisuća noćenja turista. Razlog znatno većem broju dolazaka i noćenja turista jest to što, unatoč postojećim epidemiološkim mjerema i preporukama usmjerenima na prevenciju širenja bolesti COVID-19, u svibnju 2021. turisti sigurnije i slobodnije putuju nego što je to bilo u svibnju 2020., kad su na snazi bile strože mjere ograničenja putovanja i u Hrvatskoj i u svijetu.


In May 2021, there were 407 thousand tourist arrivals and 1.5 million tourist nights in commercial accommodation establishments, which was an  increase in tourist arrivals and nights compared to May 2020, when just 62 thousand arrivals and 167 thousand nights were realised. The reason for the significantly higher number of tourist arrivals and nights is that, despite the existing epidemiological measures and recommendations aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19, in May 2021 tourists travelled safer and more freely than in May 2020 when travel restrictions were stricter both in Croatia and in the world.




Domaći turisti ostvarili su 132 tisuće dolazaka i 308 tisuća noćenja u svibnju 2021., što je za 102 tisuće dolazaka i 242 tisuće noćenja više domaćih turista nego u svibnju 2020. U odnosu na 2019. dolazaka domaćih turista manje je za 38,5%, a noćenja za 36,6%.


Domestic tourists realised 132 thousand arrivals and 308 thousand nights in May 2021, which was 102 thousand arrivals and 242 thousand nights of domestic tourists more than in May 2020. Compared to 2019, domestic tourist arrivals decreased by 38.5% and nights by 36.6%.




Strani turisti ostvarili su 275 tisuća dolazaka i 1,2 milijuna noćenja u svibnju 2021., što je za 243 tisuće dolazaka i 1,1 milijun noćenja stranih turista više u odnosu na svibanj 2020. U odnosu na 2019. dolazaka stranih turista manje je za 79,7%, a noćenja za 73,1%.


Foreign tourists realised 275 thousand arrivals and 1.2 million nights in May 2021, which was 243 thousand arrivals and 1.1 million nights of foreign tourists more than in May 2020. Compared to 2019, foreign tourist arrivals decreased by 79.7% and nights by 73.1%.













Detaljni mjesečni podaci dostupni su na mrežnim stranicama Državnog zavoda za statistiku, u dijelu "Baze podataka", gdje je omogućeno pregledavanje i ispis podataka u različitim oblicima. Baze podataka ažuriraju se mjesečno.


Detailed monthly data are available on the web site of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, under "CBS Databases", where it is possible to browse and print data in various forms. Databases are updated at the monthly basis.







1)   Privremeni podaci

1)   Provisional data.




U svibnju 2021. najviše noćenja stranih turista iz Njemačke


In May 2021, the most foreign tourist nights realised by tourists from Germany




Najviše dolazaka i noćenja stranih turista u svibnju 2021. ostvarili su turisti iz Njemačke, i to 104 tisuće dolazaka i 541 tisuću noćenja (37,7% od ukupno ostvarenih stranih dolazaka i 45,4% od ukupno ostvarenih stranih noćenja).


The most foreign tourist arrivals and nights in May 2021 were realised by tourists from Germany, as much as 104 thousand arrivals and 541 thousand nights (37.7% of the total realised foreign tourist arrivals and 45.4% of the total realaised tourist nights).




Slijede noćenja turista iz Slovenije (8,9%), Austrije (8,1%), Poljske (7,0%), Češke (3,3%) te SAD-a (2,8%).


Those were followed by the nights realised by tourists from Slovenia (8.9%), Austria (8.1%), Poland (7.0%), the Czech Republic (3.3%) and the USA (2.8%).







Porastao broj dolazaka i noćenja turista u svim skupinama smještaja


An increase in tourist arrivals and nights in all groups of accommodation establishments




U skupini Odmarališta i slični objekti za kraći odmor ostvareno je najviše noćenja turista u svibnju 2021., i to 551 tisuću noćenja, što je 36,7% od ukupno ostvarenih noćenja u komercijalnom smještaju. U odnosu na svibanj 2020. to je za 458 tisuća noćenja više.


In the group Holiday and other short-stay accommodation, tourists realised the most tourist nights in May 2021, as much as 551 thousand nights, which was 36.7% of the total realised tourist nights. Compared to May 2020, it was 458 thousand more nights.




Slijede noćenja turista ostvarena u skupini Kampovi i prostori za kampiranje, i to 504 tisuće noćenja, što je 33,6% od ukupno ostvarenih noćenja. U skupini Hoteli i sličan smještaj ostvareno je 446 tisuća noćenja, što je 29,7% od ukupno ostvarenih noćenja.


Those were followed by the nights realised in the group Camping sites and camping grounds, as much as 504 thousand nights, which was 33.6% of the total realised tourist nights. In the group Hotels and similar accommodation there were 446 thousand nights realised, which was 29.7% of the total realised nights.







U svibnju 2021. turistima su na raspolaganju bile 484 tisuće stalnih postelja, što je dva puta više nego u svibnju 2020.


In May 2021, there were 484 thousand permanent beds available to tourists, which was twice as many as in May 2020




Turistima je u svibnju 2021. na raspolaganju bilo 185 tisuća soba, apartmana i mjesta za kampiranje s 484 tisuće stalnih postelja.


In May 2021, there were 185 thousand rooms, apartments and camping sites available to tourists, with 484 thousand permanent beds.




U skupini Hoteli i sličan smještaj turistima je na raspolaganju bilo 48 tisuća soba i apartmana (što je 26,0% od ukupnog broja raspoloživih soba i apartmana) s gotovo 100 tisuća stalnih postelja (što je 20,6% od ukupnog broja raspoloživih stalnih postelja). Prosječna popunjenost soba iznosila je 18,7%, a stalnih postelja 16,6%, dok je u svibnju 2020. prosječna popunjenost soba iznosila 5,3%, a stalnih postelja 3,9%.


In the group Hotels and similar accommodation, tourists had 48 thousand rooms and apartments at their disposal (which was 26.0% of the total number of available rooms and apartments), with 100 thousand permanent beds (which was 20.6% of the total number of available permanent beds). The average occupancy rate of rooms was 18.7% and of permanent beds it was 16.6%, while in May 2020 the average occupancy of rooms was 5.3% and of permanent beds it was 3.9%.







U prvih pet mjeseci 2021. porastao broj dolazaka i noćenja turista u odnosu na isto razdoblje 2020.


In the first five months of 2021, tourist arrivals and nights  increased compared to the same period of 2020




U prvih pet mjeseci 2021. u komercijalnim smještajnim objektima ostvareno je 951 tisuća dolazaka i 3,0 milijuna noćenja, što je porast dolazaka za 42,6%, i porast noćenja turista za 83,7% u odnosu na prvih pet mjeseci 2020. U prvih pet mjeseci 2021. ostvareno je 26,4% dolazaka i 30,6% noćenja turista u odnosu na isto razdoblje 2019.


In the first five months of 2021, tourists realised 951 thousand arrivals and 3.0 million nights in commmercial accommodation establishments, which was an increase of 42.6% in tourist arrivals, and 83.7% in tourist nights, as compared to the first five months of 2020. A total of 26.4% of tourist arrivals and 30.6% of tourist nights were realised in the first five months of 2021 compared to the same period of 2019.




U strukturi ukupno ostvarenih dolazaka turista u prvih pet mjeseci 2021., domaći turisti ostvarili su 52,2%, a strani turisti 47,8%. U strukturi ukupnih noćenja turista 63,5% odnosi se na strane turiste, a 36,5% na domaće turiste.


Concerning the structure of total tourist arrivalsin the first five months of 2021 domestic tourists realised 52.2% and foreign tourists 47.8% of arrivals. In the structure of total tourist nights, 63.5% refers to foreign tourists and 36.5% to domestic tourists.




Domaćih turista u prvih pet mjeseci 2021. došlo je 496 tisuća i ostvarili su 1,1 milijun noćenja, što je 77,8% više dolazaka i 78,6% više noćenja domaćih turista nego u istom razdoblju prošle godine. U odnosu na prvih pet mjeseci 2019. domaći turisti ostvarili su 70,9% dolazaka i 71,2% noćenja.


There were 496 thousand domestic tourists who realised 1.1 million nights in the first five months of 2021, which was 77.8% more arrivals and 78.6% more nights than in the same period of the previous year. Compared to the first five months of 2019, domestic tourists realised 70.9% of arrivals and 71.2% of nights.




Strani turisti u prvih su pet mjeseci 2021. ostvarili 455 tisuća dolazaka i 1,9 milijuna noćenja, što je u odnosu na isto razdoblje 2020. porast dolazaka turista za 17,2% i porast noćenja turista za 86,7%. U odnosu na prvih pet mjeseci 2019. strani turisti ostvarili su tek 15,7% dolazaka i 23,0% noćenja.


In the first five months of 2021, as compared to the same period of 2020, foreign tourists realised 455 thousand arrivals and 1.9 million nights, which was an increase in tourist arrivals of 17.2% and in tourist nights of 86.7%. Compared to the first five months of 2019, foreign tourists realised just 15.7% of arrivals and 23.0% of nights.




Najviše noćenja stranih turista ostvarili su turisti iz Njemačke (36,9%), Slovenije (11,1%), Austrije (7,2%), Poljske (5,7%), SAD-a (4,1%) te Češke (4,0%).


The most foreign tourist nights were realised by tourists from Germany (36.9%), Slovenia (11.1%), Austria (7.2%), Poland (5.7%), the USA (4.1%) and the Czech Republic (4.0%).













V. 2021.

I. − V. 2021.



V. 2021.

V. 2020.



I. − V. 2021.

I. − V. 2020.

V. 2021.

I. − V. 2021.



V. 2021.

V. 2020.



I. − V. 2021.

I. − V. 2020.













407 230

951 184



1 501 764

3 023 610














Domaći turisti

132 310

496 498



308 239

1 104 373



Domestic tourists

Strani turisti

274 920

454 686



1 193 525

1 919 237



Foreign tourists



1) Indeks je veći od 999.


1) The index exceeds 999.
















V. 2021.

V. 2020.

















Republika Hrvatska

dolasci/ Arrivals

407 230

132 310

274 920




Republic of Croatia


noćenja/ Nights

1 501 764

308 239

1 193 525























Zagrebačka županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

4 743

2 324

2 419




County of Zagreb


noćenja/ Nights

9 532

4 582

4 950














Krapinsko-zagorska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

8 768

6 841

1 927




County of Krapina-Zagorje


noćenja/ Nights

17 674

13 969

3 705














Sisačko-moslavačka županija

dolasci/ Arrivals







County of Sisak-Moslavina


noćenja/ Nights

2 060

1 531















Karlovačka županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

8 696

4 221

4 475




County of Karlovac


noćenja/ Nights

14 881

6 775

8 106














Varaždinska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

3 773

2 364

1 409




County of Varaždin


noćenja/ Nights

7 049

4 240

2 809














Koprivničko-križevačka županija

dolasci/ Arrivals







County of Koprivnica-Križevci


noćenja/ Nights

1 581
















Bjelovarsko-bilogorska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals







County of Bjelovar-Bilogora


noćenja/ Nights

3 085

2 642















Primorsko-goranska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

65 268

20 114

45 154




County of Primorje-Gorski kotar


noćenja/ Nights

243 420

52 372

191 048














Ličko-senjska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

13 033

4 926

8 107




County of Lika-Senj


noćenja/ Nights

36 877

10 250

26 627














Virovitičko-podravska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals







County of Virovitica-Podravina


noćenja/ Nights

1 763

1 452















Požeško-slavonska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

1 032






County of Požega-Slavonia


noćenja/ Nights

2 149

1 694















Brodsko-posavska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

1 481






County of Slavonski Brod-Posavina


noćenja/ Nights

2 407

1 355

1 052














Zadarska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

30 385

8 627

21 758




County of Zadar


noćenja/ Nights

122 342

23 652

98 690














Osječko-baranjska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

6 422

4 456

1 966




County of Osijek-Baranja


noćenja/ Nights

18 791

8 309

10 482














Šibensko-kninska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

16 345

4 870

11 475




County of Šibenik-Knin


noćenja/ Nights

63 907

12 202

51 705














Vukovarsko-srijemska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

2 956

2 190





County of Vukovar-Sirmium


noćenja/ Nights

6 644

3 418

3 226














Splitsko-dalmatinska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

50 318

13 957

36 361




County of Split-Dalmatia


noćenja/ Nights

189 454

33 114

156 340














Istarska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

128 152

28 837

99 315




County of Istria


noćenja/ Nights

583 291

74 930

508 361














Dubrovačko-neretvanska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

23 464

6 704

16 760




County of Dubrovnik-Neretva


noćenja/ Nights

79 913

15 270

64 643














Međimurska županija

dolasci/ Arrivals

4 250

3 392





County of Međimurje


noćenja/ Nights

9 129

6 524

2 605














Grad Zagreb

dolasci/ Arrivals

34 937

14 363

20 574




City of Zagreb


noćenja/ Nights

85 815

29 005

56 810







1)   Indeks je veći od 999.


1)   The index exceeds 999.













Svrha statističkog istraživanja


The purpose of the statistical survey




Svrha statističkog istraživanja jest praćenje turističke aktivnosti u komercijalnim smještajnim objektima i osiguravanje međunarodno usporedivih podataka u skladu s europskim standardima za statistiku turizma. Rezultati ovog istraživanja daju osnovne pokazatelje potrebne za analizu turizma u Republici Hrvatskoj. Osnovni pokazatelji jesu: dolasci i noćenja turista prema zemlji prebivališta te vrstama smještajnih objekata, spol i dobne skupine turista, način dolaska turista te broj soba i stalnih postelja.


The purpose of the statistical survey is to monitor the tourist activity  realised in commercial accommodation establishments and to provide internationally comparable data in accordance with European standards for tourism statistics. The results of this survey ensure the basic indicators necessary for the analysis of tourism in the Republic of Croatia. The basic indicators are the following: tourist arrivals and nights by country of residence, types of accommodation establishments, tourists by sex and age groups, mode of arrival as well as the number of rooms and permanent beds.







Pravna osnova


Legal basis




Istraživanje se provodi prema Zakonu o službenoj statistici (NN, br. 25/20.) i Uredbi br. 692/2011 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o europskoj statistici turizma.


The survey is implemented on the basis of the Official Statistics Act (NN, No. 25/20) and the Regulation No. 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning European statistics on tourism.







Jedinice promatranja


Observation units




Jedinice promatranja jesu sve pravne osobe i njihovi dijelovi, fizičke osobe te kućanstva koja pružaju usluge smještaja turistima za kraći boravak.


The observation units are all legal entities and parts thereof, natural persons as well as households that provide short-stay accommodation services to tourists.







Izvori i metode prikupljanja podataka


Sources and methods of data collection




Od 2017. podaci o turističkom prometu (broj dolazaka i noćenja turista) te smještajnim kapacitetima preuzimaju se iz administrativnog izvora sustava eVisitor. Državni zavod za statistiku preuzima podatke iz administrativnog izvora sustava eVisitor od Hrvatske turističke zajednice te ih dalje statistički obrađuje.


Since 2017, the Croatian Bureau of Statistics has been taking over data on tourist traffic (the number of tourist arrivals and nights) and accommodation capacities from the Croatian National Tourist Board, extracting them from the eVisitor system, and further processes them statistically.




Objavljivanjem Pravilnika o načinu vođenja popisa turista te o obliku i sadržaju obrasca prijave turista turističkoj zajednici (NN, br. 126/15.) sustav eVisitor službeno je postao središnji elektronički sustav za prijavu i odjavu turista u Republici Hrvatskoj s punom primjenom od
1. siječnja 2016.


By publishing the Ordinance on Managing Tourist Records and the Form and Content of the Check-in Form for Checking in Tourists in Tourist Boards (NN, No. 126/15), the eVisitor system has officially become the central electronic system for checking in or checking out tourists in the Republic of Croatia, in effect since 1 January 2016.




Mjesečni podaci iz ovog Priopćenja smatraju se privremenima sve dok se ne objave konačni podaci za tekuću godinu. Mjesečni podaci  preuzimaju se sedmog dana u mjesecu za prethodni mjesec.


Monthly data in this First Release are considered provisional until final data for the current year have been published. Monthly data are retrieved on the seventh day in a month for the previous month.







Obuhvat i usporedivost


Coverage and comparability




Izvještajne jedinice jesu svi poslovni subjekti (poduzeća/trgovačka društva, obrtnici, ustanove, udruge itd.) i njihovi dijelovi koji obavljaju djelatnost pružanja usluga smještaja turistima; zdravstvene ustanove za svoje objekte u kojima osobe borave radi medicinske rehabilitacije (osobe same snose naknadu za taj boravak); poslovni subjekti koji su osnovali ili vode brigu i nadzor nad planinarskim domovima; poslovni subjekti koji se za vrijeme školskih praznika služe školama, domovima i sličnim objektima kao privremenim smještajnim kapacitetima.


Reporting units are all business entities (enterprises/trade companies, craftsmen, institutions, associations, etc.) and parts thereof engaged in providing accommodation services in tourism: health institutions for their own establishments in which persons stay for medical rehabilitation (costs are on persons themselves); business entities that founded or take care of mountain resorts; business entities that use schools, homes and similar establishments as temporary accommodation capacities during school vacations.




Smještajni objekti koji se razvrstavaju prema Pravilniku o razvrstavanju, minimalnim uvjetima i kategorizaciji ugostiteljskih objekata (NN, br. 48/02., 108/02., 132/03., 73/04., 67/06., 88/07., 58/08., 62/09., 63/13., 33/14., 92/14., 9/16., 54/16., 56/16., 61/16. i 69/17.) jesu: hotel, hotel baština, aparthotel, integralni hotel, difuzni hotel, hotel posebnog standarda, lječilišne vrste, turističko naselje, turistički apartman, pansion, guest house, kamp, kampiralište, kamp-odmorište, kamp-odmorište – objekt za robinzonski smještaj, soba, apartman, studio-apartman, kuća za odmor, ruralna kuća za odmor, prenoćište, odmaralište za djecu, hostel, planinarski dom, lovački dom, učenički dom ili studentski dom i objekt za robinzonski smještaj.


All accommodation establishments categorised according to the Ordinance on Classification, Minimum Standards and Categorization of Accommodation Establishments (NN, Nos 48/02, 108/02, 132/03, 73/04, 67/06, 88/07, 58/08, 62/09, 63/13, 33/14, 92/14, 9/16, 54/16, 56/16, 61/16 and 69/17) are as follows: hotels, heritage hotels, all-suite hotels, integral hotels, diffuse hotels, special-standard hotels, spa-type accommodation, tourist resorts, tourist apartments, boarding houses, guest houses, camping sites, small camps, quickstop camping, quickstop camping – Robinson-type accommodation establishments, rooms, apartments, studio-type suites, summer houses, rural summer houses, overnight accommodations, vacation establishments for children, hostels, mountain lodges, hunting lodges, pupils’ homes or students’ homes and Robinson-type accommodation establishments.




Prema članku 29. Zakona o ugostiteljskoj djelatnosti (NN, br. 85/15., 121/16. i 99/18.), ovim statističkim istraživanjem obuhvaćaju se i prostori za kampiranje izvan kampova. Za vrijeme održavanja sportskih, izviđačkih, kulturno-umjetničkih i sličnih manifestacija te organiziranih putovanja kanuima i sličnim plovilima po moru, rijekama i jezerima, biciklima i slično dopušteno je organizirano kampiranje izvan kampova na za to određenim prostorima.


Pursuant to Article 29 of the Hotel and Restaurant Activity Act (NN, Nos 85/15, 121/16 and 99/18), this statistical survey also covers organised off-site camping sites. During sports, scout, cultural/artistic and similar events as well as during organised trips in canoes and similar vessels on sea, rivers and lakes, or by bikes etc., organised off
-site camping is allowed on spaces provided for it.




Osim ugostiteljskih objekata za smještaj reguliranih Pravilnikom, ovim statističkim istraživanjem obuhvaćaju se i sljedeći objekti koji pružaju usluge smještaja: lječilišta, gostionice s pružanjem usluge smještaja i nekategorizirani objekti.


Save the accommodation establishments categorised by the Ordinance, this statistical survey also encompasses the following establishments offering accommodation services: spas, inns offering accommodation services and uncategorised establishments.




Prema Zakonu o ugostiteljskoj djelatnosti (NN, br. 85/15., 121/16. i 99/18.), ugostiteljskim uslugama u kućanstvu smatra se usluga smještaja u sobi, apartmanu, kući za odmor i kući za odmor – robinzonski smještaj do najviše 10 soba, odnosno 20 postelja (ne ubraja se broj pomoćnih postelja) te usluga smještaja u kampu, kamp-odmorištu ili kamp-odmorištu – objekt za robinzonski smještaj s ukupno najviše 10 smještajnih jedinica, odnosno za 30 gostiju istodobno, u koje se ne ubrajaju djeca u dobi do 12 godina. Ugostiteljskim uslugama na obiteljskome poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu prema Zakonu o ugostiteljskoj djelatnosti (NN, br. 85/15., 121/16. i 99/18.) smatra se usluga smještaja u sobi, apartmanu, kući za odmor i kući za odmor – robinzonski smještaj do najviše 10 soba, odnosno 20 postelja (ne ubraja se broj pomoćnih poselja) te usluga smještaja u kampu, kamp-odmorištu ili kamp-odmorištu – objekt za robinzonski smještaj, s ukupno najviše 20 smještajnih jedinica, odnosno za 60 gostiju istodobno, u koje se ne ubrajaju djeca u dobi do 12 godina.


Accommodation establishments in households, according to the Hotel and Restaurant Activity Act (NN, Nos 85/15, 121/16 and 99/18), are establishments in which accommodation services are provided in a room, suite, summer house or summer house – Robinson-type accommodation with the total of 10 rooms, that is, 20 beds (extra beds are not included) as well as  accommodation services in camping sites, quickstop camping or quickstop camping – Robinson-type accommodation establishments with the total of 10 accommodation units, that is, for up to 30 guests at the same time, which does not include children up to 12 years of age. Accommodation services on private family farms, according to the Hotel and Restaurant Activity Act (NN, Nos 85/15, 121/16 and 99/18), means accommodation services in a room, suite, summer house or summer house – Robinson-type accommodation with the total of 10 rooms, that is, for up to 20 permanent beds (extra beds are not included) as well as accommodation services in camping sites, quickstop camping or quickstop camping – Robinson-type accommodation establishments with the total of 20 accommodation units, that is, for up to 60 guests at the same time, which does not include children up to 12 years of age.




Prema Uredbi br. 692/2011 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o europskoj statistici turizma, podaci o dolascima i noćenjima turista u Republici Hrvatskoj prema NKD-u 2007., odjeljak 55, za skupine 55.1 Hoteli i sličan smještaj, 55.2 Odmarališta i slični objekti za kraći odmor te 55.3 Kampovi i prostori za kampiranje mjesečno se dostavljaju u Eurostat. Za skupinu 55.1 Hoteli i sličan smještaj mjesečno se dostavlja i podatak o popunjenosti stalnih postelja i soba (neto). Navedeni podaci objavljuju se na Eurostatovim mrežnim stranicama i usporedivi su s podacima država članica Europske unije.


Pursuant to the Regulation No. 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning European statistics on tourism, data on tourist arrivals and nights in the Republic of Croatia according to the NKD 2007., division 55, groups 55.1 Hotels and similar accommodation, 55.2 Holiday and other short-stay accommodation and 55.3 Camping sites and camping grounds are submitted to the Eurostat on a monthly basis. Data submitted on group 55.1 Hotels and similar accommodation also include information on occupancy rates of permanent beds and rooms (net). The mentioned data are published on Eurostat’s web site and are comparable to EU Member States data.




Podacima nije obuhvaćen nekomercijalni turistički promet (boravak vlasnika, članova njihovih obitelji, ostale rodbine i prijatelja u kućama i stanovima za odmor te boravak turista u ostalim objektima u kojima se usluga smještaja ne naplaćuje, npr. kod stanovnika turističkoga grada/općine). Nekomercijalni turistički promet prati se posebnim statističkim istraživanjem.


The data do not include non-commercial tourist traffic (the stay of owners and their relatives and friends in villas and summer houses as well as of tourists in other establishments where accommodation service is not charged, e.g., when they are accommodated by citizens of a tourist town/municipality). Non-commercial tourist traffic is covered by a separate statistical survey.













Agregirani podaci kod kojih postoje razlozi za povjerljivost u skladu sa Zakonom o službenoj statistici (NN, br. 25/20.) i Uredbom br. 223/2009 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o europskim statistikama tretiraju se kao povjerljivi i stoga se ne objavljuju.


Aggregate data for which there are reasons for keeping their confidentiality in line with the Official Statistics Act (NN, No. 25/20) and with the Regulation No. 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European statistics are treated as confidential and are not published.













Turizam su aktivnosti osoba koje putuju i borave u mjestima izvan svoje uobičajene sredine, ne dulje od jedne godine, zbog odmora, posla ili drugih osobnih razloga, osim zapošljavanja kod poslovnog subjekta sa sjedištem u mjestu posjeta.


Tourism means the activity of visitors taking a trip to or staying in a main destination outside their usual environment for less than a year, for the purposes of leisure, business or other personal purposes other than to be employed by a resident entity in the place visited.




eVisitor je središnji elektronički sustav za prijavu i odjavu turista koji funkcionalno povezuje sve turističke zajednice u Republici Hrvatskoj, a dostupan je putem interneta bez potrebe za posebnim instaliranjem na računalo.


eVisitor is the central electronic system for checking in and checking out tourists that serves to link all tourist boards in the Republic of Croatia. It is available via internet with no need for any additional software installations.




Popis turista u sustavu eVisitor vodi se posebno za svaku pojedinu pravnu i fizičku osobu koja pruža uslugu noćenja u smještajnom objektu u kojem se obavlja ugostiteljska djelatnost (pansioni, hoteli, hosteli itd.), pruža uslugu noćenja na plovnom objektu nautičkog turizma (čarter, kružna putovanja) te uslugu smještaja u domaćinstvu i seljačkom domaćinstvu.


The tourist registry in the eVisitor system is kept separately for every legal entity and natural person offering accommodation services as part of the hotel and restaurant activity (boarding houses, hotels, hostels, etc.), or on a sea vessel as part of the nautical tourism (charter, cruising), as well as accommodation services in households and rural households.




Prijava i odjava turista koji se upisuju u sustav eVisitor autentificira se na temelju sigurnog pristupa sustavu eVisitor autentifikacijskim protokolom koji sadržava cjelokupni proces i uvjete za sigurno i ispravno obavljanje elektroničke prijave i odjave turista.


Checking in and checking out the tourists who are entered into the eVisitor system is authorised on the basis of a secure access to the eVisitor authentication protocol which ensures the conditions for a safe and correct electronic check-in and check-out.




Uspostavljanje i održavanje sustava eVisitor u nadležnosti je Hrvatske turističke zajednice (HTZ-a).


Establishing and running the eVisitor system is the responsibility of the Croatian National Tourist Board (CNTB).




HTZ je nacionalna turistička organizacija, a osnovana je radi stvaranja i promicanja identiteta i ugleda hrvatskog turizma, planiranja i provedbe zajedničke strategije i koncepcije njegove promocije, predlaganja i izvedbe promidžbenih aktivnosti u zemlji i inozemstvu važnih svim subjektima u turizmu te podizanja razine kvalitete cjelokupne turističke ponude Republike Hrvatske. Sjedište je HTZ-a u Zagrebu. Dužnost predsjednika Hrvatske turističke zajednice obnaša ministar turizma.


CNTB is a national tourist organisation founded in order to create and promote the identity and reputation of the Croatian tourism, to plan and implement a common strategy and concept of its promotion, to propose and perform the promotional activities of mutual interest for all entities in tourism in the country and abroad, as well as to raise the overall quality of the entire tourist offer in the Republic of Croatia. The head office of the CNTB is situated in Zagreb. The duties of the President of the Croatian National Tourist Board are undertaken by the Minister of Tourism.




Turist je svaka osoba koja u mjestu izvan svojeg prebivališta provede najmanje jednu noć u ugostiteljskome ili drugom objektu za smještaj turista radi odmora ili rekreacije, zdravlja, studija, sporta, religije, porodice, poslova, javnih misija ili skupova. U turiste se ne uključuju osobe koje u mjestu borave više od 12 mjeseci uzastopno, osobe kojima je osnovni razlog posjeta aktivnost koja se financira iz mjesta posjeta, osobe koje redovito dnevno ili tjedno putuju u mjesto u kojem obavljaju posao ili studiraju, osobe koje ulaze ili napuštaju zemlju kao migranti, pogranični radnici, diplomati, konzularni predstavnici i članovi vojnih snaga na redovitom poslu/zadatku, prognanici, nomadi, osobe u tranzitu.


Tourist is every person who, outside his/her place of usual residence, spends at least one night in a hotel or some other accommodation establishment for reasons of rest, recreation, health, study, sport, religion, family, business, public tasks or meeting. Excluded are persons staying at their place of usual residence for longer that 12 months in succession, persons whose main reason for visiting is an activity that is financed from the place of visit, persons that travel to their work place or an education institution on a daily or weekly basis, persons coming into or going out of the country as migrants, border-line workers, diplomats, consular representatives and military force members on their regular duties, displaced persons, nomads and persons in transit.




Domaći turist jest svaka osoba s prebivalištem u Republici Hrvatskoj koja u nekome mjestu u Republici Hrvatskoj izvan svog prebivališta provede najmanje jednu noć u ugostiteljskome ili drugom objektu za smještaj turista.


Domestic tourist is a person permanently residing in the Republic of Croatia who spends at least one night in a hotel or some other accommodation establishment outside his or her place of permanent residence.




Strani turist jest svaka osoba s prebivalištem izvan Republike Hrvatske koja privremeno boravi u Republici Hrvatskoj i provede najmanje jednu noć u ugostiteljskome ili drugom objektu za smještaj turista.


Foreign tourist is a person permanently residing outside the Republic of Croatia who temporarily resides in the Republic of Croatia and who spends at least one night in a hotel or some other accommodation establishment.




Dolazak turista jest broj osoba (turista) koje su se prijavile i ostvarile noćenje u objektu koji pruža uslugu smještaja. Zbog toga u slučaju promjene objekta u kojem boravi dolazi do njegova ponovnog registriranja i time do dvostrukosti u podacima. Prema tome, statistika evidentira broj dolazaka turista, a ne broj turista.


Tourist arrival is the number of persons (tourists) who arrived and registered their stay in an accommodation establishment. Consequently, in case tourists change the accommodation establishment they stay in, they are re-registered, which results in data ambiguity. Statistics thus register the number of tourist arrivals and not the number of tourists.




Noćenja turista jesu svaka registrirana noć osobe (turista) u objektu koji pruža uslugu smještaja.


Tourist nights refer to every registered overnight stay of a person (tourist) in an accommodation establishment.




Prebivalište je mjesto u kojem se osoba nastanila s namjerom da u njemu stalno živi.


Residence is the place where a person came with the intention of permanently staying there.




Dobna skupina turista iskazuje se prema navršenim godinama života u trenutku boravka u turističkome smještajnom objektu.


Age group of tourists is presented according to the years of age at the time of a stay in a tourist accommodation establishement.




Smještajni kapaciteti prikazuju se kao broj soba, apartmana i mjesta za kampiranje i broj stalnih postelja. Primjenom Uredbe br. 692/2011 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o europskoj statistici turizma kapacitet smještajnog objekta iskazuje se iz mjeseca u godini kad je bio najveći.


Accommodation capacities are presented as the number of rooms, apartments and camping sites, and the number of permanent beds. The application of the Regulation No. 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European tourism statistics means that the capacity of an accommodation establishment presented is taken over from the month when it reached its maximum.




Stalne postelje jesu postelje koje su redovito raspoložive gostima.


Permanent beds are those that are regularly available to guests.




Popunjenost stalnih postelja (neto) u promatranom razdoblju dobiva se dijeljenjem ukupnog broja ostvarenih noćenja u promatranom razdoblju brojem postelja i brojem dana u kojem su postelje bile raspoložive tijekom promatranog razdoblja. Podatak je izražen kao postotak.


Occupancy rate of permanent beds (net) in the reference period is obtained by dividing the total number of nights by the number of beds on offer and the number of days when the beds are actually available for use during the reference period. The data is expressed as a percentage.




Popunjenost soba (neto) u promatranom razdoblju dobiva se dijeljenjem ukupnog broja soba korištenih tijekom promatranog razdoblja ukupnim brojem raspoloživih soba tijekom promatranog razdoblja. Podatak je izražen kao postotak.


Occupancy rate of bedrooms (net) in the reference period is obtained by dividing the total number of bedrooms used during the reference period by the number of bedrooms available for use during the reference period. The data is expressed as a percentage.




Odjeljak 55 NKD-a 2007. obuhvaća pružanje usluga smještaja za kraći boravak turista. Neke jedinice mogu pružati samo usluge smještaja, dok druge mogu pružati kombinaciju usluga smještaja, uslugu pripremanja obroka i/ili opremu za rekreaciju. Smještajni turistički objekti tog odjeljka podijeljeni su na četiri skupine.


Division 55 of the NKD 2007. includes short-stay accommodation service activities to tourists. Particular units may only provide accommodation services, while others may combine the services of accommodation, catering and/or recreation equipment. Tourist accommodation establishments listed in this division are broken down into four groups.




Skupina 55.1 Hoteli i sličan smještaj obuhvaća ove vrste smještajnih objekata: hotel, hotel baštinu, aparthotel, integralni hotel, difuzni hotel, lječilišne vrste, hotel posebnog standarda, turističko naselje, turistički apartman, pansion i guest house.


Group 55.1 Hotels and similar accommodation includes the following types of accommodation establishments: hotels, heritage hotels, all-suite hotels, integral hotels, diffuse hotels, spa-type accommodation, special standard hotels, tourist resorts, tourist apartments, boarding houses and guest houses.




Skupina 55.2 Odmarališta i slični objekti za kraći odmor obuhvaća ove vrste smještajnih objekata: sobu, apartman, studio-apartman, kuću za odmor, ruralnu kuću za odmor, hostel, lječilište, prenoćište, odmaralište za djecu, gostionicu s pružanjem usluge smještaja, planinarski dom, lovački dom, učenički dom ili studentski dom te objekt za robinzonski smještaj.


Group 55.2 Holiday and other short-stay accommodation includes rooms, apartments, studio-type suites, summer houses, rural summer houses, hostels, spas, overnight accommodation, vacation establishments for children, inns offering accommodation services, mountain lodges, hunting lodges, pupils’ homes or students’ homes and Robinson-type accommodation establishment.




Skupina 55.3 Kampovi i prostori za kampiranje obuhvaća ove vrste smještajnih objekata: kamp, kampiralište, kamp-odmorište, kamp-odmorište – objekt za robinzonski smještaj i prostor za kampiranje izvan kampova.


Group 55.3 Camping sites and camping grounds include camping sites, small camps, quickstop camping, quickstop camping – Robinson-type accommodation establishments and organised off-site camping sites.




Skupina 55.9 Ostali smještaj obuhvaća nekategorizirane objekte.


Group 55.9 Other accommodation includes uncategorised establishments.







Teritorijalni ustroj


Territorial constitution




Podaci po županijama, gradovima i općinama objavljeni su prema teritorijalnom ustroju na temelju Zakona o područjima županija, gradova i općina u Republici Hrvatskoj (NN, br. 86/06., 125/06., 16/07., 95/08., 145/10., 37/13., 44/13., 45/13. i 110/15.).


Data by counties, cities and municipalities are given by the territorial constitution according to the Act on County, City and Municipality Areas in the Republic of Croatia (NN, Nos 86/06, 125/06, 16/07, 95/08, 145/10, 37/13, 44/13, 45/13 and 110/15).

















bolest prouzročena koronavirusom



Croatian Bureau of Statistics


Statistički ured Europske unije



COrona VIrus Disease-19

NKD 2007.

Nacionalna klasifikacija djelatnosti 2007.



Statistical Office of the European Communities


Narodne novine


NKD 2007.

National Classification of Activities, 2007 version


Sjedinjene Američke Države



Narodne novine, official gazette of the Republic of Croatia





United States of America
















U ovom Priopćenju objavljuju se podaci istraživanja koje je provedeno uz financijsku pomoć Europske unije. Za njegov sadržaj odgovoran je isključivo Državni zavod za statistiku te ni u kojem slučaju ne izražava stav Europske unije.


The survey whose data are published in this First Release has been conducted with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.




Objavljuje Državni zavod za statistiku Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb, Ilica 3, p. p. 80.

Published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80

Telefon/ Phone: +385 (0) 1 4806-111, telefaks/ Fax: +385 (0) 1 4817-666

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Odgovorne osobe:

Persons responsible:


Edita Omerzo, načelnica Sektora prostornih statistika

Edita Omerzo, Director of Spatial Statistics Directorate


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Lidija Brković, Director General


Priredile: Ivana Brozović i Jasna Perko

Prepared by: Ivana Brozović and Jasna Perko







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