Data on business entities as on

On this website, each business entity entered in the Register of Business Entities can use its identification number to see the basic data about it and about a part thereof.

  How to register business entities

  Frequently asked questions about the Register of Business Entities

Information about the Register of Business Entities:
Phone:  (+385 1) 48 93 501, (+385 1) 48 93 543, (+385 1) 48 93 529
Fax:      (+385 1) 48 17 396

Search Terms


Legal basis:

The Croatian Bureau of Statistics (CBS) keeps the Register of Business Entities pursuant to the Act on the National Classification of Activities (NN, No. 98/94), the Decision on the National Classification of Activities − NKD 2007. (NN, Nos 58/07 and 72/07) and the Ordinance on the Classification of Business Entities According to the National Classification of Activities − NKD 2007. (NN, Nos. 55/16 and 35/18).

The Croatian Bureau of Statistics classifies business entities and parts thereof according to the NKD 2007.

A business entity may request a copy of the notification on classification from the Croatian Bureau of Statistics. If a business entity deems it has been improperly classified, it is entitled to submit to the Croatian Bureau of Statistics a request for reclassification with the required documentation.