
  Quality policy

  Quality Declaration of the
   European Statistical System

  Code of practice of
   European Statistics

  Quality Assurance

  Peer Review 2015

  Total Quality Management

  Quality reporting

  User satisfaction survey


  Glossary and abbrevations






Efficient and timely preparation and dissemination of quality statistical indicators, which reflect economic and social phenomena and processes, and provide users with a reliable source for analysis of the current situation and decision making, are among the main tasks of the Croatian statistical system.


The Croatian Bureau of Statistics, in all working phases - from the collection, processing, production to the dissemination of statistics, takes care about the quality of statistical processes, the final results or products and the level of services provided to its users.


That the quality is becoming an increasingly important factor is confirmed by the European Statistical System Vision 2020, which, by implementing a holistic approach to statistics, aims at achieving a higher quality of statistical products and services. The use of new data sources makes the quality a comprehensive element in the statistical production process and a driver of new forms of cooperation that encourage users of statistical products and services to involve in the statistical processes, which consequently contributes to the smooth businesses progress.


Following the example of the European Statistical System, the Croatian Bureau of Statistics has developed a model of the Total Quality Management based on the Code of Practice of European Statistics. It is the model that is fully adjusted to the statistical purposes, because working on the quality of statistical processes, final products and services is not the same as the standard quality monitoring of products and services of profit-oriented business entities on the market. In statistical terms, the quality is focused on obtaining statistical products and services with the characteristics that will enable and simplify successful planning and conducting of economic policy. Therefore all statistical activities are focused on achieving this goal by tracking the following six basic quality features:







Refers to the data compliance with similar data from other sources. The problems with data compliance may appear when data come from completely different sources or statistical surveys, in which process the applied concepts, classifications and methodological standards are not harmonised, i.e. coherent.


and clarity:

Imply simple and user-oriented access to the statistical data. The Accessibility of statistical results or products and services relates to specific physical circumstances in which the data are available to the user: location at which the data are accessible by users, terms of use, downloading types and methods for use, publication date, availability of microdata and macrodata, possibility of use in different formats and media (i. e. paper, computer files, CD-ROM, internet).


The clarity refers to the statistical information environment in which users obtain the information: whether textual information is associated with the data, methodological notes, documentation; whether the data are equipped with charts and other graphical presentations; whether the information on the quality of data is available; whether additional information for users is available, if necessary (all the above specified is contained in the term "metadata").



Relates to the need that the obtained data and information are comparable in time, between geographical areas and between different domains.



Is the degree to which statistics meet current and future users' needs. In other words, whether the statistics produced reflect real and objective users' needs, whether their expectations are met by conducted surveys and whether appropriate measures are applied (definitions, classifications, etc.).



Indicates a potential difference between estimated and actual data on  population. Statistical data do not equal the actual values due to variability and bias.


Timeliness and punctuality:

Timeliness of data publication refers to the length of time between periods when a statistical phenomenon was observed and the date of data publishing, while the punctuality refers to the period between the scheduled publishing date (for example, in the Calendar of Statistical Data Issues) and the actual date of the data publishing.