Demography of Europe
This interactive publication Demography of Europe – statistics visualised presents European statistics on the population and looks at different aspects, such as population development, the trend of an ageing population, longer lives, having children at an older age, getting married, and many more.
Key Figures on Europe
The different interactive visualisation tools let you explore the situation of your country over time and / or compare it to other countries.
World Statistics Day
GeoSTAT portal
we are unaware of our own activities in space as well as of the fact
that almost every aspect of our lives can be represented by a
number. The
GeoSTATRH application enables you to combine
a selected spatial level with a selected statistics, while an
interactive approach will make the search and retrieval of data even
more user-friendly. |
through the Spectrum of Numbers
Economic Trends
is a tool which provides every user, from basic to professional,
a quick and easy overview of the development of 8 main economic
Quality of Life
is a tool which provides you an insight into the different
aspects of quality of life in your country and gives you the
possibility to compare yourself with fellow citizens in your
country as well as to the EU average and other EU Member States.
Young Europeans
is a tool which is primarily designed for young people aged
16-29. It provides the possibility to compare yourself with
other young men and women in your country. This tool is also
intended for parents, decision-makers, politicians, teachers,
etc. who want to know more about the young generation in Europe.
You in EU
is a new tool created by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, which has been designed for all European citizens. This
infographic provides you with the possibility to compare some aspects of your way of living not only with men and women of your age in your country, but
also with the EU average and other EU Member States.
The life of women and men in Europe – a statistical portrait
is a digital publication that aims at comparing women and men in their daily lives. It also shows how similar or different the everyday life of women and men is in European countries.
The European economy since the start of the millennium – a statistical portrait
is a digital publication that aims to show how main features of the economy of the European Union and its Member States have evolved since 2000 through a large range of statistical data giving both a micro- and a macro-economic perspective.
People on the move – statistics on mobility in Europe
People in today’s Europe are on the move much more than ever before. This mobility can be viewed from many angles, as there are many reasons for moving: migration, education, work or tourism… This digital publication People on the move – statistics on mobility in Europe shows the latest figures on these movements in many different ways, with a focus on people and not on goods.