Consumer price index is used as a general measure of inflation, for macroeconomic and analytical purposes, and it reflects the changes in prices of goods and services acquired, used or paid by private households for consumption purposes. Monitoring the changes in retail prices is done monthly on the basis of a selected representative basket of goods and services, and the results of the survey are presented as indices and rates in aggregated form according to the ECOICOP classification.

The annual average inflation rate is calculated by comparing the average of the last twelve months with the average of the previous twelve months.

Observing the main divisions of the ECOICOP classification, in 2023 the highest increase on average in consumer prices was recorded in the following divisions: Restaurants and hotels, of 14.8%, and Food and non-alcoholic beverages, of 12.7%. At the same time, the lowest increase was recorded in the divisions Transport and Communication, of 1.1% in the division Transport and of 2.6% in the division Communication.

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