* |
corrected data |
- |
no occurrence |
... |
data not available |
. |
not zero, but not published due to the extremely inaccurate estimation |
p |
less accurate estimation |
( ) |
less accurate data |
bn |
billion |
Central European Free Trade Agreement |
combined heat and power generation |
deadweight tonne |
Classification of Individual Consumption according to Purpose |
EU |
European Union |
euro |
gross domestic product |
GT |
gross tonnage (gross registered tonnage) |
GWh |
gigawatt hour |
ha |
hectare |
km |
kilometre |
km2 |
square kilometre |
kW |
kilowatt |
m2 |
square metre |
m3 |
cubic metre |
MIGs 2009 |
Main Industrial Groupings 2009 |
mln |
million |
Nomenclature of Industrial Products |
NKD 2007 |
National Classification of Activities, 2007 version |
NN |
Narodne novine, official gazette of the Republic of Croatia |
non-profit institutions serving households |
personal identification number |
t |
tonne |
'000 |
thousand |
value added tax |
Published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 111
Web site: dzs.gov.hr
Press corner: press@dzs.hr
Persons responsible:
Andrea Galić Nagyszombaty, Director of Statistical Methodologies, Quality and Customer Relations Directorate
Mario Vlajčević, Director of Demographic and Social Statistics Directorate
Suzana Šamec, Director of Macroeconomic Statistics Directorate
Edita Omerzo, Director of Spatial Statistics Directorate
Milenka Primorac Čačić, Director of Business Statistics Directorate
Lidija Brković, Director General
Prepared by: Kristijan Jurić, Maja Marković and Ana Samaržija
Editor: Ljiljana Ostroški
Technical Editor: Ankica Bajzek Cesar
Language Editor: Maja Gregorić
Translator: Neda Batinić
Graphic Design: Sanja Huseinagić and Nino Mrša
ISSN 3044-1692
Data on average earnings are one of the key indicators of the state of the economy and the standard of living. They reflect the level of income employed persons earn for their work, which also influences the purchasing power and spending habits of the population, as well as some other economic indicators. Statistics follow the current state of earnings, and by comparing it with the previous periods and by analysing changes, it supports the creation of different economic and social policies.
In 2023, the average monthly paid net earnings per person in employment in legal entities in the Republic of Croatia amounted to 1 148 euro, which was in nominal terms an increase of 13.0% and in real terms of 4.6% compared to the previous year. At the same time, the average monthly paid gross earnings per person in employment amounted to 1 584 euro in 2023, which was in nominal terms an increase of 14.8% and in real terms of 6.3%.
The data show differences in earnings between men and women. Average monthly paid gross earnings per person in employment in 2022 amounted to 1 294 euro for employed women and 1 435 euro for employed men.
Average monthly paid net earnings were around a thousand euros, but women still earned less than men.1)
Monitoring the average earnings gives insight into the differences between individual activities. The highest average paid net earnings per person in paid employment in legal entities of the Republic of Croatia for 2022 were paid in the activity Information and communication and amounted to 1 388 euro. At the same time, the lowest average paid net earnings per person in paid employment were paid in the activity Administrative and support service activities and amounted to 744 euro.
The highest net earnings for women were paid in the activity Financial and insurance activities and amounted to 1 199 euro, while the lowest net earnings were paid in the activity Administrative and support service activities and amounted to 696 euro. The highest average net earnings for men were also paid in the activity Financial and insurance activities and amounted to 1 677 euro, while the lowest net earnings were paid in the activity Administrative and support service activities and amounted to 782 euro.
1) Data on average monthly paid earnings by sex were obtained by the Annual Survey on Persons in Employment and Earnings (RAD-1G) (https://podaci.dzs.hr/media/2ibhnmk0/prosjecne-mjesecne-place.xlsx).
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