* |
corrected data |
- |
no occurrence |
... |
data not available |
. |
not zero, but not published due to the extremely inaccurate estimation |
p |
less accurate estimation |
( ) |
less accurate data |
bn |
billion |
Central European Free Trade Agreement |
combined heat and power generation |
deadweight tonne |
Classification of Individual Consumption according to Purpose |
EU |
European Union |
euro |
gross domestic product |
GT |
gross tonnage (gross registered tonnage) |
GWh |
gigawatt hour |
ha |
hectare |
km |
kilometre |
km2 |
square kilometre |
kW |
kilowatt |
m2 |
square metre |
m3 |
cubic metre |
MIGs 2009 |
Main Industrial Groupings 2009 |
mln |
million |
Nomenclature of Industrial Products |
NKD 2007 |
National Classification of Activities, 2007 version |
NN |
Narodne novine, official gazette of the Republic of Croatia |
non-profit institutions serving households |
personal identification number |
t |
tonne |
'000 |
thousand |
value added tax |
Published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 111
Web site: dzs.gov.hr
Press corner: press@dzs.hr
Persons responsible:
Andrea Galić Nagyszombaty, Director of Statistical Methodologies, Quality and Customer Relations Directorate
Mario Vlajčević, Director of Demographic and Social Statistics Directorate
Suzana Šamec, Director of Macroeconomic Statistics Directorate
Edita Omerzo, Director of Spatial Statistics Directorate
Milenka Primorac Čačić, Director of Business Statistics Directorate
Lidija Brković, Director General
Prepared by: Kristijan Jurić, Maja Marković and Ana Samaržija
Editor: Ljiljana Ostroški
Technical Editor: Ankica Bajzek Cesar
Language Editor: Maja Gregorić
Translator: Neda Batinić
Graphic Design: Sanja Huseinagić and Nino Mrša
ISSN 3044-1692
Monitoring the number of health insurance beneficiaries and the frequency of use of certain health care services allows for a better distribution of resources and helps create health policies and strategies. Statistical data from the field of health insurance can help recognise potential problems and shortcomings in the health care system and can serve as a basis for decision-making focused on establishing a sustainable and efficient health care system.
When observing the data from 2019 onwards, it is evident that the downward trend in the number of health insurance beneficiaries continued in 2023. The year 2022 was an exception because the number of insured persons remained at the same level as in 2021. However, within the mentioned overall decrease in the number of health insurance beneficiaries, their number in certain categories increased. More precisely, in 2023, as compared to 2022, the number of active employed persons increased by 2.9%, mostly due to the expansion of the labour market and the employment of foreign citizens.
The number of insured pensioners has been decreasing since 2019, but the main reason for this is no longer the increased death rate of persons aged 65 and older, as it was in the period from 2019 to 2022, but rather the increase in the inclusion of pensioners into the labour market and their employment of four hours per day, allowing them to retain their pensioner status within pension insurance while being listed in the category of active employed persons within health insurance.
In 2023, the Act on Amendments to the Mandatory Health Insurance Act (NN, No 33/23) entered into force, committing persons outside the labour system to personally regulate their status every quarter, which contributes to the consolidation and updated monitoring of the number of insured unemployed persons as well as the total number of health insurance beneficiaries. Compared to 2022, the number of other insured persons decreased by 4.4%.
On the subject of drug prescriptions, almost 71 million of them were issued in 2023. When observing the period from 2019 to 2024, in these five years the number of issued drug prescriptions increased, except in 2020, when a slight decrease of 0.3% in the number of issued drug prescription was present compared to the previous year.
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